What We Do
Housed within the City of Portland's Office of Community & Civic Life and Multnomah County Chair’s Office of Diversity and Equity, the MYC works to change policy affecting young people, as well as negative community perception about youth. The work includes:
Education/Youth Voice
MYC’s Education/Youth Voice committee is targeting chronic absenteeism with the policy recommendation of pushing high school start times to 8:30am or later statewide. This committee also focuses on elections education and engagement for youth.
Transit Equity and Environmental Advocacy (TEEA)
TEEA advocates for YouthPass for All - free access to public transit for youth ages 18 and under in region-wide - and provides mini-grants for youth-led climate justice work with funding provided by Oregon Community Foundation’s Community 101 Program.
Youth Against Violence (YAV)
YAV is working with Multnomah County’s Juvenile Justice department on alternatives to youth detention, and will Portland Police Bureau’s Equity Office to explore and foster positive youth-police relationships.