Know Your Rights
Conozca sus derechos ; 了解您的权利 ; Знайте свої права ; Знайте свои права ; Biết về các Quyền của Quý vị ; Baro Xaquuqdaada
All people in the United States, regardless of immigration status, have certain rights and protections under the U.S. Constitution. The police cannot detain anyone who hasn’t at least been suspected of a crime. If a police officer encounters someone walking down the street who turns out to be undocumented, they cannot arrest that person because that person has not committed a crime (Immigration and Customs Enforcement [ICE], however, can). Similarly, if the police arrest someone undocumented – for example, someone suspected of committing a crime, who is then cleared, they must let that person go.
Holding an immigrant past the point when they should be released just so that ICE can pick them up, is unconstitutional. Undocumented immigrants can sue the police for unlawful holding. In a sanctuary city, the police will release an arrested immigrant – once the person has been cleared of charges, posted bail, or completed jail time – if that person has not committed any serious crimes. If an undocumented person has committed a serious crime, the police can keep them in jail by filing charges. Or ICE can present the police with a warrant or other order from a judge, which will result in a hold until ICE can come by.
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has created resources and information about your rights as an immigrant. The Immigrant Legal Resource Center has created Red Cards to help people assert their rights and defend themselves in many situations, such as when ICE agents go to a home. Print the card, and carry it with you to ensure it’s always accessible.
To report any incidents of raids or abuses/mistreatment by ICE, police, or border patrol, contact United We Dream’s hotline: 1-844-
363-1423 or text 877877. To find out how to protect your family from ICE, visit Immigrant Legal Resource Center. Find immigration legal resources such as attorneys and what to do after an ICE detention at Freedom for Immigrants.
Immigration Information
- Get free immigration forms from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
- Call USCIS at 800-375-5283 (TTY 800-767-1833) for assistance
- Be aware and avoid scams:
- Do not go to a notario, accountant, or consultant for legal advice.
- Never pay for government forms. USCIS immigration forms are free.
- Get immigration information from U.S. government websites. Official government websites include ".gov," not ".com" or ".org".
- Never sign a form that is blank or has false information on it.
- Do not let anyone keep your original identification documents like your passport or birth certificate.
- Keep a copy of every identification document you send to the government and keep a copy of every letter you get from the government.
- Immigration scams are illegal. Report scams to the Federal Trade Commission.
Information for Undocumented Immigrants
Public Charge Change It is important to know that the Public Charge rule is no longer in effect. The public charge rule was an 'inadmissibility' test used by the federal government to decide if a person applying to visit or live in the United States would likely depend on one or more public benefits (including Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Section 8 housing and more) for more than 12 months, in total, within any 36-month period. 'Public Charges' are defined by the U.S. government as people who depend on government benefits.
In the past, if the government believed that an immigrant would become a 'public charge', they would not allow that person visit or live in the United States. On February 2, 2021, President Biden signed the executive order "Restoring Faith in Our Legal Immigration Systems and Strengthening Integration and Inclusion Efforts for New Americans". This executive order directs the U.S. secretary of State, the attorney general, the secretary of Homeland Security, and the heads of other relevant federal agencies to review all agency actions related to implementation of the public charge ground of inadmissibility and deportability.
- Green card processes and procedures.
- National Domestic Workers Alliance is a community of nannies, house cleaners, and care workers, connecting in person and online to make work and lives better. They work to win rights and respect for domestic workers.
- Guide to college for undocumented and DACA students.
Low Cost Health Services
- Rosewood Family Health Center is nonprofit family practice that operates on a sliding scale for residents who cannot obtain the Oregon Health Plan because of immigration status. The Health center has bilingual Russian and Spanish speaking staff.
- Multnomah County Primary Care provides low-cost family health care at seven locations. They provide care to all Multnomah County residents, including those who are low-income and uninsured.
Immigrant and Refugee Legal Services
- Portland Community College Legal Resource Center provides free legal services to all community members.
- Oregon Immigration Legal Services Directory
- Oregon Legal Aid Directory
- If you are at risk of deportation, you may be eligible for free legal representation through Equity Corps.
- Oregon Law Help
- SOAR Immigration Legal Services provides culturally competent, immigration-related legal representation and education to refugees and immigrants with limited income throughout Oregon.
Sanctuary City
In 2017, the City of Portland reaffirmed its status as a “sanctuary city” which prohibits the use of City funds, personnel, or equipment to enforce federal immigration law. City of Portland employees, including officers of the Portland Police Bureau, want to reduce fear of deportation among people who are undocumented. Protecting undocumented Portlanders allows all people to engage and contribute to the success and livelihood of our city.
Ciudad santuario
En 2017, la Ciudad de Portland reafirmósucondición de “ciudad santuario”; estacondiciónprohíbe el uso de fondos, personal o equipos de la Ciudad para hacercumplir la ley federal de inmigración. Los empleados de la ciudad de Portland, incluidos los funcionarios del Departamento de Policía de Portland (Portland Police Bureau), quierenreducir el miedo a la deportación entre las personas indocumentadas. La protección de los habitantesindocumentados de Portland permite que todas las personas participen y contribuyan al éxito y a la habitabilidad de nuestra ciudad.
在 2017 年,波特兰市再 次确认了这是一个“庇护 城市”,禁止用本市的资 金、人员或设备来执行联 邦移民法。市府员工,包 括波特兰警察局的警员, 希望减轻无证移民担心被 遣返的恐惧感。保护无证 波特兰人让所有人都能积 极参与促进本市成功、欣 欣向荣并为之做出贡献。
В 2017 г. ГородскоеуправлениеПортлендасноваутвердилостатуснашегогородакак «города-убежища», в которомзапрещеноиспользованиефинансовыхсредствГородскогоуправления, егоперсоналаилиоборудования с цельюсоблюденияфедеральныхзаконовобиммиграции. СлужащиеГородскогоуправленияПортленда, в томчиследолжностныелицаПортлендскогополицейскогобюро, стремятсяуспокаиватьнедокументированныхлиц, опасающихсядепортации. ЗащитанедокументированныхжителейПортлендапозволяетвсемлюдямучаствовать в активнойжизнинашегогорода и вноситьсвойвклад в егоуспех.
Thành phốTrúẩn
Vàonăm 2017, Thành phố Portland đãtáikhẳngđịnhtrạngtháicủamìnhlàmột “thànhphốtrúẩn - sanctuary city”, nghiêmcấmviệcsửdụngngânquỹ, nhânsựhoặctrangthiếtbịcủa Thành phốđểthựcthiluậtnhậpcưliên bang. Các nhânviêncủa Thành phố Portland, bao gồmcảcácviênchứccủaCụcCảnhsát Portland, muốngiảmbớtnỗi lo sợbịtrụcxuấtcủanhữngngườikhôngcógiấytờ. Việcbảovệngườidân Portland khôngcógiấytờchophéptấtcảmọingườithamgiavàđónggópvàosựthànhcôngvàsinhkếcủathànhphốcủachúng ta.
У 2017 роцімістоПортлендпідтвердилосвійстатус «міста-притулку», щозабороняєвикористовуватиміськікошти, персоналабообладнаннядлязабезпеченнявиконанняфедеральногоімміграційногозаконодавства. СпівробітникимістаПортленд, в томучисліспівробітникиБюрополіціїПортленда, хочутьзменшитистрахпереддепортацієюсередлюдейбезлегальнихдокументів. ЗахищаючижителівПортленду, якінемаютьдокументів, всілюдиможутьдолучитисятавнестисвійвнесок в успіх і життянашогоміста.
MagaalolehXaquuqdadifaaca Soo galootiga
Sanadkii 2017, Magaallada Portland ayaa dib u xaqiijisayaqoonsigeeda “magaallodifaacdaqaxootiga” kaasoomamnuucaaya in loo adeegsadolacagta, shaqaalaha, ama qalabkamagaaladasi loo fuliyosharciyadasoogalootiga ee Federaalka. ShaqaalahaMagaalada Portland, aynakujiraansaraakiishaLaantaBooliiska ee Portland, waxaydoonayaaninayyareeyaancabsidatarxiilka ee haysandadkaaanhaysansharciga. Ilaalintadadkareer Portland ee aanhaysansharcigaayaa u sahlaysadhammaandadkainay ka qaybgalaanayna door kuyeeshaanguushaiyonoloshamagaaladeena.