City Charter Section
[New sec. Nov. 8, 1966; am. Dec. 14, 1971; am. May 20, 1986; am. Nov. 3, 1992.]
- To facilitate collection of delinquent assessments and to assist in financing local improvements, the Council may issue and dispose of bonds to be known as Assessment-Collection Bonds. The total amount of these bonds shall not exceed one million five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000) outstanding at any one time. The bonds shall be general obligations of the City and shall be issued and sold in any denominations in the same manner as other bonds of the City. The rate of interest thereon shall not exceed the maximum rate permitted under State law, and their maturity shall not exceed twenty (20) years.
- Money from the sale of the bonds, after paying from the proceeds the costs of advertising and sale, shall be deposited in a special fund known as the "Assessment Collection Fund," which may be used under Council direction for purchasing property by and in the name of the City at Treasurer's sale or other sale for City assessments, and at foreclosure sales for delinquent taxes, to protect the interest and rights of the City in the property. Net proceeds from the sale of property purchased from the Assessment Collection Fund shall be credited to that fund.
- In selling property purchased from the Assessment Collection Fund, or Treasurer's certificates thereon, no transfer of certificate of sale or deed to the City shall be held void or insufficient because of any omission, error, defect or objection, jurisdictional or otherwise, in the assessment or other proceedings if, at some stage of the proceedings before assessment was made, notice was given, and if the description of the property in the certificate or deed is reasonably sufficient to identify it. This provision is intended to be curative as fully as the people may enact, as to all matters affecting the validity of the certificate or deed. Every certificate of sale or deed shall be presumptive evidence of the regularity and sufficiency of all things affecting its validity. In any case where this curative provision is found insufficient, the money realized from the attempted sale shall be treated as not applying to the payment of the attempted assessment, and shall not discharge any obligation of the owner of the property to bear a fair and just proportion of the cost of the local improvement for which the attempted assessment was made. Proceeds from the attempted sale shall be refunded to the Assessment Collection Fund and the Council may make a reassessment against that property.
- The Council may renew the Assessment Collection Fund from time to time by selling additional bonds, subject to the limitation in this Article on total amount.
- The Council may provide for the sale and assignment of certificates of sale and the assignment or conveyance of the rights of the City in such property either before or after receiving the deed from the City Treasurer or from County officials; may provide for sale of the property under contract for not more than ten (10) years; may pay real estate commissions, court costs, legal and clerical services and all other expenses related to the purchase and clearance of title; may purchase or redeem any Treasurer's certificates of sale outstanding against the property; may pay any tax liens outstanding against the property; may transfer money from the Assessment Collection Fund to the General Fund, provided that provision is made for redemption of outstanding Assessment-Collection Bonds; may provide for waiving all or part of accrued penalties; may pay any bonded or open liens outstanding against the property and cancel assessments against it; and may enact ordinances to give full effect to this Section.
- The Assessment Collection Fund may also be used to purchase and hold warrants issued upon any special local improvement fund formed or to be formed. The face amount and interest on warrants so purchased shall be credited, upon payment, to the Assessment Collection Fund.