After the time expires for filing applications to pay assessments in installments, the City official designated by ordinance shall enter all applications received in a docket kept for that purpose under separate heading for each improvement. Thereafter, that docket shall stand as a bond lien docket in favor of the City for the amount of the unpaid assessments docketed therein, with interest on unpaid assessments at a rate determined by ordinance, against each parcel of land assessed, until the assessments and interest are paid. All unpaid assessments and interest are a lien upon each parcel of land in favor of the City, and that lien shall have priority over all other liens and encumbrances. [New sec. Nov. 8, 1966; am. May 20, 1986; am. Nov. 3, 1992.]
Section 9-802 Final Assessment Bond Lien Docket.
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