Section 7-103 Demands for Payment.

City Charter Section

Every demand upon the City for payment of money out of the treasury, must, before it can be paid, be presented to the chief financial officer of the City, who shall examine such demand to satisfy themself whether the money is legally due and payable, and out of what Fund it is payable.  No demand shall be approved or paid unless it specify each several item, date and amount composing it, and have endorsed thereon the legal authority for its payment.  However, the provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to demands for payment out of funds from which any officers, boards or Commissioners are empowered by this Charter or other law to require payment without Council authorization, nor to requisitions, checks or warrants thereon.  The chief financial officer of the City shall keep an official record of all demands examined by the chief financial officer of the City showing the number, date, amount, name of the payee and against what appropriation, if any, drawn and out of what Fund payable.  The chief financial officer of the City shall not allow any demand out of its order to give priority to one demand over another drawn upon the same specific Fund, except that when liability for any claim presented is not sufficiently apparent to the chief financial officer of the City, the chief financial officer of the City may delay the payment thereof until such liability shall be determined.  [Ch. 1903, sec. 274; rev. 1914, sec. 69; 1928 pub., sec. 69; 1942 recod., sec. 2‑406 and 2‑407; rev. Nov. 6, 1962; am. May 20, 1986; am. May 18, 1994; amended by Ordinance No. 190204, effective December 18, 2020.]

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Ordinance Number 190204

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