Section 10-109 Bridges and Ferries.

City Charter Section

All ferries now or hereafter owned or leased, and all bridges together with approaches and terminals, heretofore erected or leased, or hereafter to be erected or leased, by the City of Portland across the Willamette River shall be operated by the county of Multnomah, as now provided by law, or as may hereafter be provided by law at the expense of said county of Multnomah. No exclusive franchise or privilege shall be granted to any person, firm or corporation, for the use of the whole or any part of such bridges, approaches or terminals. All privileges or franchises that may be granted by the City of Portland for the use of the whole or any part of such bridges, approaches or terminals shall be for a term not exceeding twenty-five (25) years, and the compensation to be paid the City by any person, firm or corporation desiring to use such bridges for the operation of cars thereover, shall be not less than three cents ($.03) per car for each and every car that crosses such bridges in each direction. Said rental shall be paid at the end of each calendar month to the City Treasurer. The Council shall specifically reserve in any franchise granted over any of said bridges the right to reasonably regulate the number and routing of cars across any such bridges. [Nov. 2, 1912, new sec. 118-3/4; rev. 1914, sec. 184; 1928 pub., sec. 184; 1942 recod., sec. 10-110; rev. Nov. 8, 1966.]

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