City Charter Section
[May 17, 1946, new sec., 1-112; recod., May 18, 1962; am. May 20, 1980; am. May 20, 1986.]
- To the end that the Council may provide for paying claims which it finds to be fair and moral obligations of the City but limited to claims that are barred by Charter exemption or by reason of governmental immunity or that are asserted by employees for the replacement of personal property damaged in the course of performing their employment duties, it may in its discretion direct payment or settlement, provided that an affidavit of the claimant or person representing the claimant and having knowledge of the facts is filed with the City Attorney within thirty (30) days after the event which caused the claim (unless the Council, upon proof of a good excuse, permits later filing) showing therein the name, age, and address of the claimant, the time and facts which give rise to the claim, the persons present, if any, able to substantiate the facts and circumstances, the name of the City officer or employee first contacted with reference to the claim, the name and address of the physician and/or surgeon who attended the claimant if the claim be based on personal injury treated by a physician or surgeon, a description of the injuries if personal injury was sustained, a particular statement of the damage, if real and/or personal property was damaged, the places of residence and address of the claimant during three (3) years preceding the claim, a detail of the expense constituting the claim, in so far as expense shall have been and/or probably will be incurred, and such other data as will give the City an opportunity to readily ascertain the facts, extent of injury, cost resulting therefrom and the integrity of the claimant. When insurance (covering the claimant, the City or the City employee involved) applies, the claim shall not be allowed as to any portion covered by the insurance. No claim shall be allowed the enforcement of which would be barred by the statute of limitations, and no payment shall be made unless the claimant accepts the amounts allowed as in full compromise and settlement of all amounts claimed or to be claimed against the City, its officers or employees arising from the same facts. In the event that no settlement is made, nothing herein contained or done hereinunder shall prejudice the City in any defense that it may have in any suit or action. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as giving any right to institute or maintain any suit or action which would not otherwise exist.