Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

Section 1-101 Continuation and Grant of Corporate Powers.

City Charter Section

[Ch. 1903, sec. 2; rev. 1914, sec. 2; 1928 pub., sec. 2; 1942 recod., sec. 1-102; rev. May 18, 1962.]

  1. The municipal corporation now existing and known as the City of Portland shall remain and continue a body politic and corporate by the name of the City of Portland, shall have perpetual succession, may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in all courts of justice and in all actions, suits or proceedings; may have and use an official seal and may alter the same; may purchase, or acquire by the exercise of the right of eminent domain or otherwise, receive and hold property, both real and personal, within or without said City for municipal purposes, and shall have the right of possession, use and control of all public parks and levees, buildings and property, and of all tracts of land and rights or easements in land belonging to said City, and other property which has been or may be hereafter dedicated to the City or to the public, or in any manner obtained, for public or corporate purposes of said City, and may lease, sell, terminate the dedication or otherwise dispose of the same for the benefit of the City; may receive or reject bequests, gifts, grants and donations of money or any kind of property, or interest in property, conditionally or unconditionally, in trust or otherwise, for charitable or other purposes, and may do all acts necessary to carry out the purposes or to fulfill the conditions of said gifts, requests, grants and donations, and may manage, sell, lease or otherwise dispose of the same in accordance with the terms of the gift, bequest, grant or trust, or absolutely in case such gift, bequest, grant or trust be unconditional; and shall have all general and specific powers granted to the City by any general or special law of the State of Oregon, or by the 1903 Legislative Charter of the City. All previously existing legal rights or powers of the City held or accruing to it shall continue as though no amendment of this Section had been made, and all duties and liabilities accrued or accruing to others at the time of this amendment from acts or agreements of the City shall not be affected by this amendment. 

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