Host a Budget Event in Your Community

Consider hosting an educational event in fall or winter in preparation for next year's budget. These events can enhance your community group's understanding of City processes, programs, and services, and your voice can help us identify what City services are most important to community members.

Phase One: Budget 101 and 201 Trainings

Budget staff can attend your community group's meeting to share how Portland's budget effects City programs and services.

  • Budget 101 is an overview of the budget process and opportunities for involvement.
  • Budget 201 looks more in-depth at a budget-related topic of the group’s choice.
  • City staff can attend your community group meeting to present training and facilitate discussion.
  • Our small staff will support community events to the best of our ability.

Phase Two: Host a Budget Event - Put Knowledge into Practice

  • Host your own community event to discuss budget priorities and the City of Portland will match up to $300 toward the cost of space rental, materials, interpretation, translation, and/or food for each event.
  • Collaboration of 2-3 community groups is recommended.
  • Community groups conduct outreach and planning. City budget staff are available to facilitate the events and address your budget questions.
  • Our small staff will support community events to the best of our ability.

To apply or for more information, please contact us.