Guide to Commenting on the Budget

Get involved! There are several ways to provide budget comments to Portland City Council.
On this page


Submit written comments through the online form. All comments will be sent to City Council.

Learn about what others are saying in the budget comment data visualization

By email

Email testimony to

  • Please provide your comment. 
  • Please provide your name.
  • The City Budget Office will send your written comments to City Council.

In-person or at a virtual meeting

Testify in-person at a budget listening session or hearing

  • Attend a Community Listening Session or Budget Hearing for an opportunity to comment in-person or at a live virtual meeting. 
  • The time limit for live comments is usually two minutes per person.
  • At some meetings more residents want to comment than time allows. It is a good idea to bring written comments to budget meetings in case you do not have the chance to comment. Only one copy is necessary, as written comments submitted to staff at the meeting will be distributed to all members of City Council.