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Findings: Government Performance

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Ease of contacting City government

Nearly a third thought it difficult to contact City government

When asked about the ease with which they could contact city government about issues that are important to them, the largest proportion of respondents Did Not Know how to answer, suggesting that they had not attempted to do so. For those who could answer the question, nearly a third thought it was Difficult or Very Difficult.

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How to improve contact with the City

Better ways to share information and more trust would make it easier to contact the City

Survey respondents were asked to identify the ways in which contacting city government could be made easier, to which the largest proportions identified Make Information Easier to Find and Prove that the Community’s Thoughts Lead to Changes as solutions.

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Knowledge and use of 311

Nearly half did not know about 311 yet

Portland has recently implemented a 311 non-emergency phone number for reporting issues, requesting services, or requesting information about City or County programs and services. Respondents were asked if they had heard about 311 prior to reading the description in the survey. Approximately half of the respondents had heard about it, while a little over ten percent having calling it.

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Effectiveness of City government

Most respondents didn’t think Portland had an effective government

A survey question asked respondents to rate their agreement with the statement that the city of Portland having an effective government. A smaller proportion agreed than disagreed.

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Responses about the effectiveness of Portland’s city government varied across racial/ethnic groups. Those who Agreed or Strongly Agreed that the city has an effective government were more likely to identify as Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, Black, or American Indian or Alaska Native, while those who Disagreed or Strongly Disagreed were more likely to fall into the category of Other or identify as White.

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