Martin Luther King Jr. Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 20, to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Printing and Mailing Guidelines

Cost-effective steps for utilizing printing and mailing services through Printing and Distribution

Per the FY2006-07 Adopted Budget, the City's printing and mailing standards established in 2001 are now mandatory. The intent is not to restrict creativity or undermine essential business processes and communication, but to support bureaus with the most effective and economical reproduction and mailing services available. 

To that end, the City's standards do not define how every type of job must be reproduced and/or mailed.  They consist only of the City's sustainable paper requirements, use of the Official City Seal, and a list of processes that require written authorization from the elected official in charge if they are to be used.  These processes are more suited to commercial business purposes and are not usually considered to be cost effective. 

If you have questions, please contact Customer Service at 823-4448.

Sustainable Paper Policy

The City of Portland adopted Resolution No. 36146 on June 11, 2003. It requires:

  • A citywide printing and copy paper reduction of 15% from FY 2001 levels to be completed by July 2008

  • That all copier and general use paper products purchased to meet certain EPA standards and a minimum target of 10% of purchases to be alternative environmentally preferable paper by July 2004

  • That preference be given to post-consumer recycled content paper products which are processed chlorine-free and that all copier and general use paper products be processed chlorine-free by July 2004

Paper Choices and Sample Colors

Use of the Offical City Seal

City Seal Usage Policy (from the set of Citywide policies)

Original Mailing Policies

Beginning July 1, 2001 Printing & Distribution began implementing its ASR Savings Plan for City of Portland customers. This three part strategy was designed to help each customer maximize their reproduction and mailing dollars.

  • Reduce Paper Consumption. This recommendation asks each City Bureau to reduce their paper usage by an average of one sheet of paper per bureau employee, per working day. It is based on observations made by all team members regarding waste associated with excessive printing and copying. All team members agreed that reducing the consumption of paper products should be addressed before service cuts were considered.

  • Implement Printing Standards. This requires P&D to develop and implement city-wide printing standards. The quality level and turnaround times are standardized for improved efficiency and cost control. This recommendation also requires that all non-conforming work be reported through P&D’s current savings report system and that only P&D be authorized to pay for work purchased from commercial sources.

  • Implement Mailing Standards. This recommendation requires P&D to develop and implement citywide mailing standards. Address hygiene and finish sizes are standardized for improved efficiency and cost control. This recommendation also requires that all non-conforming work be reported through P&D’s current savings report system and that only P&D be authorized to pay for work purchased from commercial sources.

Please let us know how we can help you reach your reduction goals. Copies of the standards are available from P&D by request. If you have questions or comments about the standards and their application, please let us know. The "More" menu near the top left of this page, has more information depending on the service you're looking for. 

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