Winter weather: office closure, emergency shelters and city services
  • City offices, community centers, arts centers, and city recreation facilities are closed Friday, Feb. 14, due to winter weather.
  • Shelters are open until at least noon Friday. More information: Multco.us/Cold.
  • City services information
Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

Printing and Distribution Assessment Survey


      Printing and Distribution Services

PnD Staff Photo
City of Portland Printing and Distribution Staff
Front Row, left to right: Ben Villanueva, Reprographic Operator III, Doug Tobin, Distribution Technician, Heather Saby, Customer Service Rep Lead Back Row, left to right: Jonathan Hood, Reprographic Operator I, Zach Odil, Reprographic Operator I, Marat Cackley-Hughes, Community Service Aide II, Darin Lundell,
Reprographic Operator III, Ted Maynard, Reprographic Operator I, Scott Warnke, Lead Distribution Technician, Helen Boyle, Reprographic Operator I. Not pictured: Blaise Jette, Distribution Technician, Hannah Boyle, Community Service Aide I


The assessment has been completed and the P&D staff are focusing on the future. We want to thank you for participating in the 1:1 interviews and the customer survey. Customer provided information was critical in the assessment of Printing & Distribution’s operations.  For more information about the assessment read our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)



P&D’s main facility on 2nd & Madison is open for business with P&D’s customer friendly staff
ready to assist you with all your printing needs:

  • All projects large and small including flyers, newsletters, inserts, business cards, carbonless dorms, mailers, labels, reports and much more.
  • Digital and Offset Printing
  • Scanning
  • Digital color and black and white
  • Pickup and delivery services
  • Mailing services
  • *Turnaround time may be a bit slower due to sourcing copy paper.  Flexibility in paper selected can
    help prevent delays.


  • Customers value P&D staff, print and mail services.
  • Most customers expect print volumes to increase from current levels but they do not expect volumes to return to pre-pandemic volumes. 
  • Behavior changes and modifications to individual working environments are two factors contributing to the downward trend of In-Bureau Copier services.
  • Read the Assessment Summary Here
Print Shop


  • We’ll be updating the online service request ordering for easier submission of all your print and special request orders. 


  • P&D was established in the early 1970s to provide centralized printing and distribution services for City agencies.  For the last 20 years P&D has completed over 450,000 orders!
  • According to City Code, P&D manages all reproduction, mail, distribution, and copy services for all City bureaus.   
  • P&D customers include:  All City of Portland Bureaus, Multnomah County, Metro Regional Government, local State of Oregon offices, and Neighborhood Associations - just to name a few.
  • Printing and Distribution is the newest addition of the Bureau Technology Services (BTS) Support Center Division. 
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