Martin Luther King Jr. Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 20, to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

City Council work session on surveillance technologies and risks and impact assessments

Council Work Session
This work session will go over the importance of identifying risks and social impacts of technology, particularly surveillance technologies, before using it; and how this knowledge can contribute to better transparency, accountability, and public trust.
Portland City Hall
9:30 am 11:00 am
Available Online

This work session will describe, explore, and allow a discussion of the impacts and risks of using surveillance technologies, and the strategies and tools available to minimize and reduce risks and social impacts.  

On Tuesday, January 11, 2022, City Council heard about how the Cities of Seattle and Oakland have implemented different strategies for managing surveillance technologies and privacy services. This work session will be focused on how Smart City PDX has been coordinating privacy efforts with other City Bureaus and community members and local groups.  

This work session will explore: 

  • The impacts and potential harms of surveillance technologies in Portlanders 

  • The need for the City to assess those harms and risks, and implement mitigation strategies 

  • The need of more transparency, public and internal awareness, more community outreach, and coordination on privacy services 

This work session will also introduce City Commissioners to City Bureaus examples of the benefits of using privacy impacts assessments. 


Council members, Bureau of Planning and Sustainability Smart City PDX team, OEHR policy staff, Portland Police Bureau, Portland Bureau of Transportation, Bureau of Technology Services Information Security Office, invited community members. 


City Council members will learn about the impact assessment, the process and how Portland City Bureaus are starting to incorporate them in their technology use and information decision making. Commissioners will have a better understanding of best practices for impacts and risk assessments, how bureaus are already implementing them, and engage with Portlanders that share direct impacts in their communities. 

City Council members will provide input and feedback to the Smart City PDX and the Office of Equity and Human Rights ongoing effort to develop a comprehensive Surveillance Policy for the City.  

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