See how we're doing with each 2030 performance objective
The City of Portland has systematically pursued sustainability in its internal operations since the early 1990s, when City Council first adopted Sustainable City Principles. The City’s current environmental performance objectives were adopted in 2015 to renew the city’s commitments and establish targets for 2030.
To review our progress across the set of objectives, click on each topic within the menu.
Sustainable City Principles
The City seeks to be a model of sustainable operations — as an example for all Portland residents and businesses. The City adheres to a set of Sustainable City Principles that guide daily management, operations and employee action.To promote a healthy, prosperous and equitable City, Portland elected officials and staff will:
- Make decisions and take actions that balance environmental quality, economic prosperity and social equity.
- Think beyond first costs and consider long-term, cumulative impacts when making policy and financial decisions.
- Purchase renewable energy and make efficient use of electricity, natural gas, oil, propane, transportation fuels and water.
- Protect habitat and functioning ecosystems that provide critical services to the urban environment.
- Minimize the release of toxins, carbon emissions and other pollutants when purchasing and using products.
- Reduce, reuse, recycle and compost.
- Encourage innovation and cross-bureau collaboration.
- Engage Portland residents, businesses and City green teams to promote sustainable practices.
- Recruit, hire and retain a diverse workforce and ensure equitable services to communities of color and other underserved communities.
- Measure and report progress.