City Council Hearing Date for the Residential Infill Project Confirmed

News Article
SAVE THE DATE: Jan. 15, 2020, is first public hearing on updates to single-dwelling zones.

The Residential Infill Project has a date with City Council for a public hearing. Community members are invited to testify on the Planning and Sustainability Commission’s recommendations for updating the rules for Portland's single-dwelling neighborhoods. Prior to the hearing, project staff will brief Commissioners on the RIP Recommended Draft.

  • December 11, 2019 – City Council briefing (no public testimony)
  • January 15, 2020 – First City Council hearing; written testimony will be open at least 30 days prior to the hearing.

Confirm date/time on the Council calendar.

Read the PSC’s recommendations to City Council

You can review the PSC’s recommendation to City Council in the Residential Infill Project Recommended Draft. Changes to the zoning code include:

  • Increase the range of permissible housing types (e.g., duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes and additional accessory dwelling units) in single-dwelling zones.
  • Expand the area where these housing types would be allowed (replaces the previously proposed ‘a’ overlay with the ‘z’ overlay, which limits where these housing types can be built based on landslide risk, flood plain and natural resources).  
  • Scale the building size limits to increase incrementally with the second or third unitFor instance, on a 5,000 sf R5-zoned lot, a house could be up to 2,500 sf, a duplex 3,000 sf, and a triplex or fourplex tops out at 3,500 sf.
  • Remove minimum parking requirements and add new garage design requirements.

Learn about these and other proposals by reviewing the RIP Recommended Draft documents:

Anti-displacement Action Plan efforts are underway

In addition to the Residential Infill Project and Better Housing by Design, another key part of the Housing Opportunities Initiative is the Anti-Displacement Action Plan. Work is continuing with community partners to:

  • Inventory and develop accountability measures for City anti-displacement programs/actions.
  • Create a community/City task force.
  • Explore potential additional programs/actions.
  • Engage with households affected by displacement.

Next steps

City Council work sessions for the Residential Infill Project will start in December. Public hearings will be held in January. Testimony will be open at least 30 days prior to the hearings. We will share more about the schedule, dates times and locations as those details are finalized.

For general information about the project

Visit the website:

Or call or email Morgan Tracy, Project Manager at 503-823-6879 /