Martin Luther King Jr. Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 20, to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Tools to implement the WPTC Plan

The Plan has these proposed actions, regulations, map changes, and partner organizations to help make the community vision for West Portland Town Center a reality.
On this page

Actions by public sector and nonprofit organizations 

Outside of regulatory tools, actions are proposed in the short, medium, and long-term timeframes. They include work to support things such as the envisioned multi-cultural hub, affordable housing, work force training, community services, new open spaces, infrastructure planning and more. Read about these in Sections 2 and 3 of the plan:


Partner organizations, including Unite Oregon, Community Alliance of Tenants and HAKI Community Organization, are ready to inform, involve and grow community as the plan and future changes takes shape. Read more about the SW Corridor Equity Coalition

New regulations in the zoning code 

As part of the proposed West Portland Multicultural Plan District 

A wide variety of regulations are proposed that cover topics such as minimum densities, preservation of low-cost apartments, tiered incentives to promote public benefits, design standards for multi dwelling areas, required green features for commercial areas, and fostering employment. The WPTC MapApp provides more specifics for each site and type of zone, and you can read more details in Section 5 of the plan:

Visit the Map App

Zoning and Comprehensive Plan Map changes 

The proposed map changes are coordinated with both the proposed regulations and recommended infrastructure to support public benefits while also expanding the commercial core of the center and adding multi dwelling zoned areas for more inclusive housing options. Find more information in Section 4, of the plan, with the maps of highlighted changes starting on page 126:

Recommendations for transportation and stormwater improvements 

Needed roadway and stormwater upgrades are recommended in two time frames (0-10 years and 10-20 years) to address the area’s infrastructure challenges in order to meet current and future community needs. See the maps that follow for more detail and read more in Section 4 the Plan:

Coordinated Growth Strategy Maps

The maps below show how the proposed coordinated infrastructure and zoning changes would be phased in during a 0-10 year and 10-20 year timeframe. Priority infrastructure projects are highlighted and called out in each map. 

Phase 1 (0-10 year) map

WPTC Plan - Draft Coordinated Growth Strategy. View full PDF of the diagram:
Phase 1 of the Coordinated Growth Strategy. View the Coordinated Growth Strategy - Phase 1 (PDF) below for more details.

Phase 2 (10-20 year) map

WPTC Plan - Draft Coordinated Growth Strategy - August 2021. View full PDF of the diagram:
Phase 2 of the Coordinated Growth Strategy. View the Coordinated Growth Strategy - Phase 2 (PDF) below for more details.
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