The Portland Metro area’s transit system is expanding to better connect the SW Corridor with the rest of the region — during a housing crisis. The current crisis and lack of transportation options in the corridor are hindering people’s quality of life in the area. These conditions also create obstacles to achieving the region’s long-range growth plans.
The multibillion-dollar investment in light rail will attract additional investments in housing, providing an opportunity to address this housing crisis and the long-standing racial disparities and underlying income inequality that exacerbate it. As the region prepares to invest in light rail along Highway 99 in SW Portland (or Barbur Blvd) and through downtown Tigard, it's the right time to take advantage of this a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
A vision of equitable growth must reflect the realities of the current housing crisis while also planting the seeds for a future where everyone can reach their true potential. Where people have the capacity to strengthen their communities and determine their own future and that of their neighborhoods.
Fulfilling the promise of complete communities with housing choices and opportunity
Over the past year, the cities of Portland and Tigard and their community partners have been planning for more housing choices and opportunity in the SW Corridor. The result is a discussion draft of an equitable housing strategy for the SW Corridor. The goals of the strategy are to:
- Commit early financial resources to address the near-term housing crisis and long-term needs.
- Prevent residential and cultural displacement.
- Increase choices for new homes for all household types and incomes.
Read the SW Corridor Equitable Housing Strategy Discussion Draft
Project staff and partners will present this draft to the Portland Planning and Sustainability Commission on May 8 at 4 p.m. A proposed draft will then be submitted to Portland and Tigard city councils this summer.
Community-led event offers chance to learn more about transit and housing issues
As part of the review process, community-based organizations participating in the development of the SW Corridor Equitable Housing Strategy are hosting a community meeting in May for residents of SW Portland and Tigard. Come learn more about transit and housing issues along the corridor so that you can be informed and engaged as decisions are being made. Free food, childcare as well as Somali and Spanish interpretation will be provided.
- Where: Markham Elementary School
- When: Sunday May 13, 2018
- Time: 4 – 7 p.m.
- More info: or 503-460-9702 x129
The SW Corridor Equity and Housing Advisory Group has guided the development of the strategy over the past year. Their final meeting is June 7 from 1– 3 p.m. at the Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, 1900 SW 4th Ave, 7th floor.
For more project information visit the project website or contact Ryan Curren, 503-823-4574,