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Residential Infill Project - Part 2 Proposals Ready for Public Review and Testimony

News Article
The Planning and Sustainability Commission will hear public testimony on the RIP2 Proposed Draft on Tuesday December 14 at 5 p.m.; Portlanders invited to testify in person at the virtual hearing or in writing via the Map App.

 Over the past year, Bureau of Planning and Sustainability staff have been developing a proposal for middle housing in areas of Portland’s single-dwelling zones that were not covered by the initial Residential Infill Project (RIP). This current effort, Residential Infill Project - Part 2 (RIP2), will put the City of Portland in compliance with the state’s HB2001 requirements for middle housing in all residential zones.

BPS staff have released a Proposed Draft for public review and formal testimony to the Planning and Sustainability Commission. The RIP2 Proposed Draft includes 10 key proposals

  • The first six replicate provisions that were adopted for the R2.5, R5 and R7 zones with the Residential Infill Project - Part 1 and extends these to the low-density R10 and R20 zones.
  • The last four proposals apply to all the single-dwelling residential zones and: a) add two new possible infill housing types; b) modify the constrained sites overlay zone, which limits where certain types of infill would be allowed; and c) create a streamlined land division process to enable middle housing units to be located on their own lots for easier homeownership options. 

Portlanders can learn more about the proposals, then testify on the RIP2 proposals at a virtual public hearing or in writing.

Testify in person at the public hearing

Tuesday, December 14, 2021, at 5 p.m.

The hearing will be held virtually. You can use a computer, mobile device or telephone to testify during the hearing. Those wishing to testify must register by 5 p.m. on Monday, December 13. Registrants will receive an email with details about the hearing the morning of Tuesday, December 14. Individuals will each have three minutes to testify, unless stated otherwise at the hearing. 

  • View the hearing on the PSC YouTube Channel.
  • Testify in writing via the Map App
    Click on the "Testify" button. You can testify about a specific location or on the proposals in general. Testifying in the Map App is as easy as sending an email. Once your testimony is submitted, you can read it in real time.  
  • U.S. Mail 
    You must provide your full name and mailing address
    Portland Planning and Sustainability Commission
    RIP2 Testimony
    1810 SW 5th Ave, Suite 710
    Portland, OR 97201

Learn more about RIP2

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BPS Communications Team

City of Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability
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