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Residential Infill Project Update: City Council hearing on potential amendments continued to June 18

News Article
Portlanders may view the hearing and submit testimony online via the Map App or by U.S. mail until 8 p.m. on June 18.

Nearly 100 people registered to testify on City Council’s potential amendments to the Residential Infill Project. Over the course of two hours on June 3, Commissioners heard testimony from 43 testifiers. Remaining registrants who didn’t get their chance to speak will have another opportunity on June 18. Stakeholders can view the live stream of the hearing or watch the previous hearing on June 3.   

These public hearings follow previous hearings in January and subsequent Council work sessions in February. Commissioners have proposed a few amendments to the proposals in the Planning and Sustainability Commission’s Recommended Draft, including: 

  • Aligning the proposals with recently adopted projects for consistency. 

  • Aligning duplex allowances with state mandates in HB 2001. 

  • Responding to the SB 534 requirement to recognize certain substandard-sized platted lots. 

  • Creating a combined process for lot consolidations and property line adjustments. 

  • Providing for a “Deeper Affordability Bonus.” 

  • Adding a historic resource demolition disincentive. 

Review City Council’s amendments, including a description of each amendment, a table listing the sections of code that are proposed to be amended, followed by the specific revised code language and commentary.  

Sign up for oral testimony is closed. But Portlanders can still submit written testimony until June 18 at 8 p.m. in two ways:  

  • Testify on the Map App: Select the Residential Infill Project, then the Testify button, to enter your testimony. 

  • Send a letter to: City Council, Residential Infill Project testimony, 1221 SW 4th Ave Room 130, Portland OR 97204. Note: testimony must be received by the Clerk’s Office by the deadline. 


Morgan Tracy

Senior City Planner, Planning and Sustainability
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