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Residential Infill Project one step closer to City Council

Planning and Sustainability Commission votes 5 - 4 to recommend new rules for more units and smaller buildings in Portland's neighborhoods.

On Tuesday, March 12, 2019, Portland's Planning and Sustainability Commission made a few final amendments to their Revised Proposed Draft and voted 5 – 4 to allow more types of housing in single-family neighborhoods. The vote followed several work sessions about the impacts of the Commissioners' initial amendments, which increased the number of allowed units on lots in single-dwelling zones. Their amendments also expanded where these additional units would be allowed citywide, with some exceptions for natural resources and hazards.

After discussing the projections for increased housing units with the proposed changes and the potential impact on vulnerable households, Commissioners voted to recommend the proposed changes to City Council. These changes will allow more housing options in Portland’s neighborhoods, including duplexes, triplexes and fourplexes.

The proposals would also create options for homeowners to add more ADUs to their property in most R2.5, R5 and R7 single-dwelling zones. These additional units, along with limits on building mass and scale, will provide Portlanders more housing choices at lower costs and within a smaller building "envelope" than the large single houses currently replacing demolished homes. 

Addressing displacement

While all the Commissioners expressed concerns about displacement occurring under current rules, the majority of the Commission found that the project would provide multiple benefits for Portland’s future housing needs, while also reducing displacement pressure citywide. Several Commissioners thought the proposals did not do enough to address potential displacement concerns and voted against the package.

View the March 12 PSC work session (RIP starts at 00:32:00; PSC vote with individual commissioners’ closing remarks start at 2:43:00).

You can also view the Power Point presentation, with several charts and graphs to help explain the difference between several analyses of the project and projected outcomes. 

Next Steps

The PSC’s Recommended Draft of the Residential Infill Project, including their amendments to the Revised Proposed Draft and an updated Map App, will be published later this spring. City Council hearing(s) are tentatively scheduled for September. More information about the schedule will be shared as details are finalized.

For general information about the project

Visit the website:

Or give us a call:

  • Morgan Tracy, Project Manager, 503-823-6879

  • Julia Gisler, Public Involvement, 503-823-7624

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