Public comment period for the Discussion Draft extended to Thursday, November 30
Since the release of the Residential Infill Project Discussion Draft, dozens of community members have attended the kick-off meeting, one of the five drop-in office hours or any of the various meetings staff have been attending since the proposals were published on Oct. 3, 2017. This outreach period is focused on familiarizing community members with the detailed amendments in preparation for the Planning and Sustainability Commission and City Council hearings next year.
We have heard that the November 20 date is making it more difficult to prepare feedback due to the timing of several organizations’ monthly meeting schedules. So we're extending the comment deadline to the end of the month (November 30) to give people more time read the draft proposals and submit their comments. Please note: This is not the last chance to be heard; formal public hearings will be held with the Planning and Sustainability Commission (PSC) in the winter and City Council in the spring of next year.
The Residential Infill Project Discussion Draft materials include:
- Project summary – 8-page color summary of the 12 proposals of the Discussion Draft with maps and illustrations
- Volume 1: Staff Report and Map Amendments – includes project overview and introduction, analysis of proposals, as well as the methodology for creating the Housing Opportunity Overlay – the new ‘a’ overlay
- Volume 2: Zoning Code Amendments – the actual regulations
- Volume 3: Appendices – includes Guidance from the Comprehensive Plan, FAR Background, R2.5 Catalog, Visitability Best Practices, Map Refinements, and Historically Narrow Lot Background
Parcel-specific information that shows which amendments will affect individual properties is available through the Map App – an interactive online map.
How to comment
Comments are due by November 30, 2017.
You may submit comments on the Discussion Draft in several ways:
- With the online comment form:
- By email:
- By U.S. mail: The printable online comment form and letters can be mailed to:
City of Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability
Attn: Residential Infill Project
1900 SW 4th Avenue, Suite 7100
Portland, OR 97201
How will my comments be used?
Comments on the Residential Infill Project Discussion Draft will be directed to City staff, who will use the feedback as they develop a proposal for the PSC. This Proposed Draft will be considered by the PSC early next year, and Portlanders will be able to give formal testimony on the Proposed Draft at that time.
For more information
Please contact:
- Morgan Tracy, Project Manager,, 503-823-6879
- Julia Gisler, Public Involvement,, 503-823-7624
For general information about the project, visit the website at