Martin Luther King Jr. Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 20, to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Residential Infill Project draft code and map amendments now available

Learn more about the Residential Infill Project Discussion Draft at a kick-off meeting on October 10 and/or drop-in hours near you.

Since City Council approved a set of working concepts for the Residential Infill Project (RIP) last December, BPS staff have been working with other City bureaus and local agencies to draft zoning code and map amendments that address the scale of new houses, create more housing opportunity for Portlanders, and refine narrow lot development standards. 

With these changes, Portland’s single-family residential neighborhoods will be able to better meet the changing housing needs of current and future residents.

Project staff are ready to share the draft code and map amendments with the community. Portlanders are invited to learn more about the Discussion Draft and give their feedback in the coming weeks. This outreach period is focused on familiarizing community members with the detailed amendments in preparation for the Planning and Sustainability Commission and subsequent City Council hearings later next year (see timeline below). Comments on the Discussion Draft are due by Nov. 20, 2017.


Materials for public review include a project summary and the Discussion Draft in three volumes:

  • Volume 1: Staff Report and Map Amendments — includes project overview and introduction, analysis of proposals, as well as the methodology for creating the Housing Opportunity Overlay – the new ‘a’ overlay.
  • Volume 2: Zoning Code Amendments — the actual regulations.
  • Volume 3: Appendices — includes Guidance from the Comprehensive Plan, FAR Background, R2.5 Catalog, Visitability Best Practices, Map Refinements, and Historically Narrow Lot Background.

Parcel-specific information that shows which amendments will affect individual properties is available through the Map App — an interactive online map.

Review all documents in the Residential Infill Project Discussion Draft.


Join us for a kick-off meeting to learn more about the project and the contents of the Residential Infill Project Discussion Draft. This will include a staff presentation about the code and map amendments.   

Residential Infill Project Discussion Draft Public Review
Kick-off Meeting
Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2017
1900 Building
1900 SW 4th Room 2500
5 – 6:30 p.m. – Reports available, staff on hand to answer questions
6:30 – 7:30 – Staff presentation
TriMet: Bus #12, 43, 44 and MAX Green and Orange Lines

Date, time, and location will be updated in the project calendar.  


The kick-off meeting will be followed by a series of drop-in office hours. In addition to these public events, staff will be available to help groups and organizations participate in the Discussion Draft review. This can be done through staff presentations at meetings or brainstorming other ways to share information about the project.

East Portland Drop-in Office Hours*
East Portland Neighborhood Office (EPNO)
1017 NE 117th
Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2017
5 – 6:30 p.m.
TriMet: Bus #25, #71 and #77
*Project presentation at EPNO Land Use Committee begins at 6:30 p.m.

Northeast Drop-in Office Hours
Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods (NECN)
4815 NE 7th
Thursday, Oct. 19, 2017
5 – 7 p.m.
TriMet: Bus #6 and #72

Central Northeast Drop-in Office Hours
Central Northeast Neighborhoods (CNN)
4415 NE 87th
Monday, Oct. 23, 2017
5 – 7 p.m.
TriMet: Bus #12 and #71

Southwest Drop-in Office Hours
Multnomah Arts Center
7688 SW Capitol Highway
Monday, Oct. 30, 2017
5 – 7:30 p.m.
TriMet: Bus #44

North Drop-in Office Hours
Kenton Fire House
8105 N. Brandon
Thursday, Nov. 2, 2017
5 – 7:30 p.m.
TriMet: Bus #4 and MAX Yellow Line

Southeast Drop-in Office Hours
Southeast Uplift
3534 SE Main
Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2017
5 –7:30 p.m.
TriMet: Bus #14, #15, #66 and #75 

Dates, times, and locations will be updated in the project calendar.  


Comments are due by Nov. 20, 2017. You may submit comments on the Discussion Draft in several ways:  

City of Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability
Attn: Residential Infill Project
1900 SW 4th Avenue, Suite 7100
Portland, OR 97201

How will my comments be used?

Comments on the Residential Infill Project Discussion Draft will be directed to City staff, who will use the feedback as they develop a proposal for the Planning and Sustainability Commission (PSC). This Proposed Draft will be considered by the PSC early next year, and Portlanders will be able to give formal testimony on the Proposed Draftat that time.

What is this project about?

In response to community concerns about demolitions and the scale of new homes, as well as the supply of housing in Portland, the Residential Infill Project is updating Portland’s single-dwelling zoning rules to better meet the changing housing needs of current and future residents. The project addresses three topic areas: scale of houses, housing opportunity and narrow lots.

Want more information?


Or speak with a team member directly:

And visit the website at

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