Martin Luther King Jr. Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 20, to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day.


Residential Infill Project News Menu
Displaying 1 - 20 of 45

New study shows promising housing production results from the Residential Infill Project (RIP)

A year after new rules governing single-dwelling zones went into effect, middle housing and accessory dwelling unit (ADU) production have increased dramatically.

News article

Interim Rule Update for Private Right-of-Ways

Learn more about interim changes to the Administrative Rule for Private Rights-of-Ways (Streets, Alleys, Shared Courts, Common Greens and Pedestrian Connections).

Public notice

Major updates to the City’s housing-related zoning rules coming August 1

Changes will increase housing supply and accessibility for low-, moderate- and middle-income Portlanders; addresses houselessness and lack of affordable apartments and homes for community members.

News article

Oregon Supreme Court declines to hear ongoing challenge to Portland’s 2035 Comprehensive Plan

Prior court’s decision upholds the City’s 20-year plan for growth and development.

News article

Portland City Council adopts the Residential Infill Project

Landmark zoning reforms will open Portland’s residential neighborhoods to more – and less expensive – housing types for Portlanders today and those to come.

News article

City Council approves all six Residential Infill Project amendment packages

Staff to return on August 5, 2020, with “As-amended” draft.

News article

City Council to vote on Residential Infill Project amendments

Commissioners to weigh testimony and vote on proposed amendments on July 9; final vote on “as-amended draft” in August.

News article

June 2020 – Bureau of Planning and Sustainability (BPS) Updates

A monthly snapshot of land use planning work going on in your neighborhoods. Please visit the project website and contact project staff with any questions.

News article

Residential Infill Project Update: City Council hearing on potential amendments continued to June 18

Portlanders may view the hearing and submit testimony online via the Map App or by U.S. mail until 8 p.m. on June 18.

News article

Residential Infill Project Update: City Council to hold public hearing on potential amendments on June 3

Portlanders invited to testify during a virtual hearing, online via the Map App or by U.S. mail.

News article

May 2020 – Bureau of Planning and Sustainability (BPS) Updates

A monthly snapshot of land use planning work going on in your neighborhoods. Please visit the project website and contact project staff with any questions.

News article

Smart Growth webinar about upcoming land use and transportation projects available for review

Mayor Wheeler and Commissioner Eudaly’s offices, BPS and PBOT share important information about upcoming City Council public hearings for Expanding Opportunities for Affordable Housing, Central City 2035, Residential Infill Project and Expiration Date Extension Project.

News article

Residential Infill Project public hearing back on track

City Council to hear public testimony on amendments to the RIP proposals during a virtual meeting on June 3

News article

Adapting to COVID-19: News from the Bureau of Planning and Sustainability

Updates from BPS projects and programs and how bureau staff are helping the City respond to the coronavirus crisis.

News article

April 2020 – Bureau of Planning and Sustainability (BPS) Updates

A monthly snapshot of land use planning work going on in your neighborhoods. Please visit the project website and contact project staff with any questions.

News article

March 2020 – Bureau of Planning and Sustainability (BPS) Updates

A monthly snapshot of land use planning work going on in your neighborhoods. Please visit each project website and contact project staff with any questions.

News article

City Council hears lots of public testimony on the Residential Infill Project

At recent public hearings, 140 Portlanders shared their feedback on proposals to expand housing opportunities in Portland’s single-family zones.

News article

Bureau of Planning and Sustainability (BPS) Updates

Read news from BPS about the Residential Infill Project, HB2001 & SB534, the proposed amendment to increase deconstruction projects, the connected communities along division transit report, and the review of ezones in North Portland.

Updated Newsletter

Bureau of Planning and Sustainability (BPS) Updates

Read news from BPS about 82nd Ave improvements, Planning & Sustainability Commission membership, neighborhood notification improvements, Residential Infill Project, and proposed historic resource code amendments.

Updated Newsletter

City Council delays vote on RIP amendments

To give Portlanders more time to testify online rather than in person, the deadline for written testimony has been extended until a new hearing date is scheduled.

News article

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