Proposed zoning code improvements focused on housing production and economic development head to the Planning Commission

News Article
Community members are invited to testify on the technical fixes and minor policy changes included in the RICAP 10 Proposed Draft in writing via the Map App or verbally at a public hearing on Tuesday, Feb. 27 at 5 p.m.

A package of draft zoning code updates that aim to make it easier to understand and implement Portland’s zoning code has been released for public review and comment. The Proposed Draft of the Regulatory Improvement Code Amendment Package 10 (RICAP 10) contains the most recent in a series of updates and improvements to Portland’s land use regulations. This is the first RICAP project after a five-year hiatus.

The Planning Commission will consider the RICAP 10 Proposed Draft at a public hearing on Tuesday, Feb. 27 at 5 p.m. Prior to the hearing, Bureau of Planning and Sustainability staff will brief commissioners on the proposals.

Community members are invited to review the Proposed Draft and give testimony to the Planning Commission.

What's in RICAP 10?

The RICAP 10 Proposed Draft considers more than 80 items for possible regulatory improvement, with an emphasis on three topic areas: housing production, economic development, and regulatory reduction. Some items are minor policy changes, while others are technical amendments or clarifications with little policy impact.

Each topic area includes items bundled into related themes:

  • Housing production
    • Ground floor and ground floor façades
    • Design Overlay Zone
    • Historic Resources Overlay Zone
  • Economic development
    • Central City
    • Home occupations
    • Temporary activities
  • Regulatory reduction
    • State and local compliance
    • Land use review process
    • Miscellaneous items

Review the RICAP 10 Proposed Draft

Have your say

Community members are invited to review the amendments in the RICAP 10 Proposed Draft and provide testimony to the Planning Commission in writing via the Map App or verbally during the hearing. The hearing will be a hybrid format, with options to participate either in person or virtually using a computer, mobile device, or telephone.

Register to testify verbally

You must sign up in advance to testify verbally. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the hearing. The deadline to sign up for verbal testimony is Monday, Feb. 26 at 5 p.m. Individuals have three minutes to testify, unless stated otherwise at the hearing.

Submit testimony via the Map App

We strongly encourage electronic written testimony. Written testimony must be received by the end of the hearing and must include your name and address. Testifying via the Map App is as easy as sending an email. Written testimony can also be submitted by U.S. mail to:

Portland Planning Commission
RICAP 10 testimony
1810 SW 5th Ave, Suite 710
Portland, OR 97201

What happens next?

After the hearing on Feb. 27, the Planning Commission will discuss any potential changes to the Proposed Draft at a subsequent meeting, followed by making their final recommendation to City Council.

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