Martin Luther King Jr. Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 20, to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

February 2023 – Bureau of Planning and Sustainability (BPS) Project Updates

News Article
A monthly snapshot of BPS's active land use planning work going on throughout the City of Portland. Please see the project updates and websites below for more details, and to find contact information for the appropriate project staff.
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What’s new this month?

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Anti-Displacement Action Plan

What: The Anti-Displacement Action Plan (ADAP) aims to increase the resiliency of the city and our communities to deal with racial and economic disparities that contribute to displacement.

Status: A cross-bureau team of City staff continues to work internally to develop tools that better align City bureau strategies and actions to combat displacement and produce more equitable outcomes for communities. Staff is also working with the Anti-Displacement Coalition to support development of a civic leadership curriculum to identify community priorities.

Next opportunity to engage: None currently. Those interested can always sign up for project updates.

Columbia Corridor Industrial Lands Ezones Project

What: Correcting the location of environmental overlay zones (Ezones) in the Columbia Corridor and other industrial areas to better align with rivers, streams, sloughs, wetlands, floodplains, forests, and wildlife habitat.

Status: Project staff have published an interactive online map of preliminary draft Ezones that is based on the Natural Resource Inventory. The natural resource mapping is subject to onsite verification at the request of property owners, and the draft Ezones mapping may change as the project progresses. Project staff will coordinate their work with the upcoming citywide economic opportunity analysis to provide adequate protection for natural resources and sufficient industrial and employment land to meet future needs.

Next opportunity to engage: Project staff will give presentations at a series of upcoming public meetings in January and February. Check the project website for dates and find out how to engage. Project staff continue to offer free site visits by request to confirm or correct natural resource mapping. Look up your address on the Columbia Corridor Industrial Lands Map App to see if your site is impacted by this project. You can submit a request for a site visit through the Map App or by contacting project staff. Those interested can always sign up for email updates.

Economic Opportunities Analysis (EOA)

What: The purpose of the Economic Opportunities Analysis (EOA) is to analyze and forecast growth in Portland’s industrial and other business districts, then designate an adequate 20-year supply of developable land for businesses and jobs.

Status: In April, BPS released an economic report detailing market trends for job growth in Portland. The report details economic growth and prosperity trends, local business specializations and competitiveness, as well as marine industrial forecasts and land needs.

Next opportunity to engage: None currently. Those interested can always sign up for email updates.

Electric Vehicle (EV) Ready Code Project

What: The project seeks to expand zero-emission transportation options for individuals and households beyond what the market is doing today, specifically in multi-dwelling housing. The project augments recent state codes and rules to require that parking associated with new multi-dwelling and mixed-use development provide the infrastructure needed to make 50 percent of the parking spaces “EV-ready” (i.e. providing the electrical conduit connections for new or future charging equipment). The EV Ready Code Project will help implement policy direction from Portland’s Climate Emergency Workplan through changes to the zoning code.

Status: On January 25, the City Council held a public hearing and took testimony to consider the Planning and Sustainability Commission (PSC) recommendation for approval of the EV Ready Code Project. The hearing closed and the City Council is expected to vote on the project without amendments on February 8 at 10 a.m. with an expected effective date of March 31. The Recommended Draft plan, ordinance, and findings are available to review. The project complies with, and augments, the state rules provided through House Bill 2180 and the Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) led Climate-Friendly and Equitable Communities Rulemaking process.

Next opportunity to engage: None currently. The public hearing is closed.

Floodplain Resilience Plan

What: The plan updates floodplain regulations throughout the city to ensure that new development in the floodplain addresses flood risk from a changing climate, does not jeopardize threatened and endangered species, and allows Portlanders to continue to obtain federally-backed flood insurance.

Status: On November 22, the Planning and Sustainability Commission (PSC) voted unanimously to recommend the Floodplain Resilience Plan to City Council with a small number of targeted technical map and Zoning Code amendments. The recommendation followed a public hearing in September and a work session in October. Staff will incorporate the PSC recommendations into the Recommended Draft and developing the ordinance and findings prior to the City Council hearing. The Recommended Draft is expected to have a public hearing at City Council in spring 2023.

Next opportunity to engage: None currently. The PSC's Recommended Draft of the Floodplain Resilience Plan is expected to head to City Council in the spring. Check the project website for the hearing date and other updates as it moves forward. Those interested can always sign up for email updates.

Fossil Fuel Terminal Zoning Project

What: This ordinance readopts the remanded zoning code amendments to restrict bulk fossil fuel terminals to address the policies identified by the Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) that require additional findings.

Status: On June 30, City Council held a public hearing to reconsider adopting the zoning code amendments. On August 24, City Council adopted the ordinance and on August 31 the ordinance went into effect. The ordinance has been appealed by the Portland Business Alliance, the Working Waterfront Coalition, the Western States Petroleum Association, Oregon Business and Industry, and Columbia Pacific Building and Construction Trades Council. A LUBA decision is expected in spring 2023.

Next opportunity to engage: None currently.

LGBTQ+ Historic Sites Project

What: Portland’s LGBTQ+ Historic Sites Project seeks to identify, document, and preserve historic resources associated with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer+ histories.

Status: The LGBTQ+ Historic Sites Project is working with Triangle Productions, community volunteers, and a consultant team to document historic resources citywide, contextualize those resources, and nominate several for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. Physical documentation of associated historic resources, National Register nominations, and a historic context statement will be developed in 2023.

Next opportunity to engage: An online questionnaire to invite public participation in identifying significant LGBTQ+ places will be made available in February. Additional opportunities for participation will be available in the spring and summer.

Lower SE Rising Area Plan

What: The Lower SE Rising Area Plan aims to address the historic lack of infrastructure investment in parts of Southeast and East Portland—including Brentwood-Darlington and portions of Mt Scott-Arleta, Woodstock and Lents—and seek community input to guide healthy community development.

Status: Project staff are working on plan recommendations, including potential zoning map changes and transportation projects, to implement the community’s aspirations for the future of the Lower Southeast Rising area. Public feedback that is guiding the development of the plan includes input from an online open house and survey completed by over 500 community members, together with input from a range of community events. A summary of public input is now available. Through the survey, community members shared their priorities for transportation improvements and the need for more local commercial services and affordable housing, and indicated strong support for a centers and corridors community development scenario. Materials from the last Project Advisory Committee meeting on January 23 are available for review. This spring, staff anticipate releasing a Discussion Draft of the Lower SE Rising Area Plan, at which point staff will reach out to the community for feedback.

Next opportunity to engage: In April, staff plan to undertake extensive community engagement after release of the Discussion Draft. Those interested can always sign up for email updates.

Montgomery Park to Hollywood Transit and Land Use Development Strategy (MP2H)

What: Exploring options for a successful land use and transit system, including potential future streetcar links to Montgomery Park in Northwest Portland and the Hollywood Town Center in Northeast Portland. The project is a joint effort between BPS and PBOT. The project will assess land use and transportation issues and options, including affordable housing, economic development and business stabilization opportunities associated with potential transit investments, including possible extension of the Portland Streetcar.

Status: The MP2H-NW Plan Discussion Draft, published in December 2021, suggests a new long-range land use vision for the area near Montgomery Park in Northwest Portland, served by an extension of the Portland Streetcar. The draft proposal presents an opportunity to create more affordable housing, more affordable commercial space, and other public benefits. A compilation of public comments on the Discussion Draft has been posted. City staff are reviewing the comments and working through issues, which is anticipated to lead to a Proposed Draft for future review by the Planning Commission.

Next opportunity to engage: None currently. Those interested can always sign up for email updates.

Parking Compliance Project

What: The Parking Compliance project will update the Zoning Code to align local regulations with recent state Climate Friendly and Equitable Communities (CFEC) rulemaking submitted by the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD). These rules require cities to consider removing parking mandates throughout their jurisdictions. The project will review parking minimums and related regulations throughout the Zoning Code.

Status: The state rules were approved in July 2022. Staff is currently developing a draft of Zoning Code amendments for internal review. A Proposed Draft is anticipated to be released in February 2023 with a tentative hearing scheduled in March 2023. A project website will also be available in February with information on providing public testimony.

It should be noted that the CFEC rules require that cities exempt parking mandates for certain development types and near frequent transit routes and rail stations. These exemptions took effect on January 1, 2023. The Portland Bureau of Development Services has information on the waiver requirements from the State rules.

Next opportunity to engage: None currently.

Planning Commission Code Amendments

What: This project amended the comprehensive plan and zoning code to dissolve the Planning and Sustainability Commission (PSC) and create the Planning Commission. The new Planning Commission will focus on land use planning, while continuing to advance the policies in Portland’s Comprehensive Plan, including those related to sustainability.

Status: In October, the Planning Commission Code Amendments proposed draft was released. On November 8, the PSC held a public hearing on the amendments and on November 22 voted to recommend the amendments to City Council. The City Council hearing was held on January 18 and public testimony was accepted. On January 25, the City Council adopted the Planning Commission Code Amendments project. The changes take effect on March 1. Read the As-Adopted report to learn more about the amendments.

Next opportunity to engage: The project is complete. The new Planning Commission will meet for the first time on March 14.

Shelter to Housing Continuum – Part 2 (S2HC2)

What: The Shelter to Housing Continuum – Part 2 (S2HC2) proposes several zoning code refinements to the previously adopted Shelter to Housing Continuum, which took effect in 2021 and expanded the housing and shelter options for individuals and households with extremely low incomes.

Status: In September, the S2HC2 Proposed Draft was published for public review. On October 11, the Planning and Sustainability Commission (PSC) held a public hearing. On November 8, the PSC held a work session and voted to recommend approval to City Council with amendments. The Recommended Draft will be published on January 19 and the City Council hearing will follow on February 8.

Next opportunity to engage: With the PSC recommendation, the proposal heads to City Council for a hearing on February 8. Portlanders will be able to testify on the Recommended Draft at that time or in writing via the Map App. Check the project webpage for more details closer to the hearing date. 

West Portland Town Center Plan

What: The West Portland Town Center (WPTC) Plan lays out a vision for a healthy, connected, and multi-cultural town center and includes zoning map and code changes and an action plan to meet the diverse needs of current and future residents and businesses.

Status: On November 30, the Portland City Council adopted the WPTC Plan. The WPTC Plan will be effective on March 31. Read the As Adopted WPTC Plan and see the Map App interactive tool to learn more about the adopted plan.

Next opportunity to engage: None currently. The SW Corridor Equity Coalition (SWEC) continues to meet and the WPTC area is one of their areas of focus. Learn about SWEC’s WPTC Community Development Work group.


Kevin Bond

City Planner II, Planning and Sustainability
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