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December 2023 – Bureau of Planning and Sustainability (BPS) Project Updates

News Article
A monthly snapshot of BPS's active land use planning work going on across the City of Portland. See the project updates below for more details, and to find contact information for the City staff working on specific projects. Subscribe to get email notifications when these updates are posted.
In this article

December 2023 highlights

  • Housing Regulatory Relief gets Planning Commission recommendation of approval, with some changes; scheduled for City Council hearing on Jan. 10. Read more.
  • Lower SE Rising Area Plan — which focuses on local business opportunities, housing, and traffic safety — gets Planning Commission recommendation of approval. Read more.
  • Housing Needs Analysis unanimously adopted by City Council on Dec. 13; addresses future housing needs, access to affordable housing, and development capacity. Read more.
  • Regulatory Improvement Code Amendment Package 10 (RICAP 10) Discussion Draft open for public comments through Dec. 31. Read more.
  • Land Division Code Update open for public comments on Discussion Draft through Dec. 31. Read more.

Useful resources

Planning Commission

City Council

Map App

Look at interactive maps, submit testimony during testimony periods, and read submitted testimony through the BPS Map App interactive tool.


Zoning, building permit, transportation, natural resource information, and more is available on PortlandMaps.com.

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Anti-Displacement Action Plan

What: The Anti-Displacement Action Plan (ADAP) aims to increase the resiliency of the city and our communities to deal with racial and economic disparities that contribute to displacement.

Status: A cross-bureau team of City staff continues to work internally to develop tools that better align City bureau strategies and actions to combat displacement and produce more equitable outcomes for communities. Staff is also working with the Anti-Displacement Coalition to support development of a civic leadership curriculum to identify community priorities.

Next opportunity to engage: None currently. Those interested can always sign up for project updates.

Columbia Corridor Industrial Lands Ezones Project

What: Correcting the location of environmental overlay zones (Ezones) in the Columbia Corridor and other industrial areas to better align with rivers, streams, sloughs, wetlands, floodplains, forests, and wildlife habitat.

Status: Project staff have published an interactive online map of preliminary draft Ezones that is based on the Natural Resource Inventory. The natural resource mapping is subject to onsite verification at the request of property owners, and the draft Ezones mapping may change as the project progresses. Project staff will coordinate their work with the upcoming citywide economic opportunity analysis to provide adequate protection for natural resources and sufficient industrial and employment land to meet future needs.

Next opportunity to engage: Project staff continue to offer free site visits by request to confirm or correct natural resource mapping. Learn more about draft wetland mapping and see if your site qualifies for a free wetland determination. Those interested can always sign up for email updates.

Economic Opportunities Analysis (EOA)

What: The purpose of the Economic Opportunities Analysis (EOA) is to analyze and forecast growth in Portland’s industrial and other business districts, then designate an adequate 20-year supply of developable land for businesses and jobs.

Status: In April 2022, BPS released an economic report detailing market trends for job growth in Portland. The report details economic growth and prosperity trends, local business specializations and competitiveness, as well as marine industrial forecasts and land needs.

Next opportunity to engage: None currently. Those interested can always sign up for email updates.

Floodplain Resilience Plan

What: The plan updates floodplain regulations throughout the city to ensure that new development in the floodplain addresses flood risk from a changing climate, does not jeopardize threatened and endangered species, and allows Portlanders to continue to obtain federally-backed flood insurance.

Status: On October 11, City Council voted unanimously to adopt zoning code amendments that reduce the impacts of future flooding on those who live or work in or near Portland’s floodplains. City Council added several key amendments to the package. Implementation of the zoning code changes will be in two phases in 2024. Read the full announcement.

Next opportunity to engage: None.

Fossil Fuel Terminal Zoning Project

What: This ordinance readopts the remanded zoning code amendments to restrict bulk fossil fuel terminals to address the policies identified by the Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) that require additional findings.

Status: The City Council adopted the ordinance in August 2022. On September 29, the state Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) denied an appeal by the Portland Business Alliance, the Working Waterfront Coalition, the Western States Petroleum Association, Oregon Business and Industry, and the Columbia Pacific Building and Construction Trades Council. This LUBA decision has been appealed to Oregon Court of Appeals with a decision expected in 2024. The ordinance also has been challenged in federal court by the State of Montana, Western Energy Alliance, Pacific Propane Gas Association, Idaho Petroleum Marketers and Convenience Store Association, and Christensen, Inc. The federal case is still pending.

Next opportunity to engage: None currently.

Housing Needs Analysis (HNA) and Housing Production Strategy (HPS)

What: The Housing Needs Analysis (HNA) analyzes the status of Portland’s housing supply, housing affordability issues, and the City's ability to meet projected housing demand through 2045. The Housing Production Strategy (HPS) addresses how Portland will accommodate future population growth through housing production strategies created to support the development of needed housing. These actions will take into consideration impacts on low-income households, communities of color, people with disabilities, and other state and federally protected classes.

Status: On December 13, the City Council unanimously adopted the Housing Needs Analysis and related Buildable Land Inventory documents to address future housing needs, access to affordable housing, and development capacity. The HNA identifies the need for 120,000 more housing units at a variety of types and income levels over the next 20 years. The analysis also shows the need for more affordable, family-size, age-friendly, and accessible homes, as well as the need for more opportunities for home ownership. Read the as-adopted HNA and Council ordinance.

In 2024, BPS will lead a process to develop a Housing Production Strategy with other city bureaus and the community and will report back to City Council by the end of the year.

Next opportunity to engage: None currently.

Housing Regulatory Relief

What: This project creates temporary waivers and permanent changes to zoning regulations to provide regulatory relief in the building of housing projects. The project addresses several issues identified in the housing production survey conducted by the Bureau of Development Services. There are now 15 issues being addressed, including bike parking, ground floor active use/height, non-conforming upgrades, ecoroof standards, design review, neighborhood contact, and more. The temporary waivers and reductions would last five years. The temporary waivers and reductions apply to development that includes residential units, unless otherwise stated.

Status: On November 14, the Planning Commission voted to recommend the Housing Regulatory Relief package to City Council with several amendments. The amendments are incorporated into the Recommended Draft, which is now available for public review. Read the announcement. The City Council hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, January 10 at 3 p.m.

Next opportunity to engage: The public will be invited to give testimony on the Recommended Draft through the Map App beginning on December 20 and ending after the hearing on January 10. Registration for verbal testimony will be available when the City Council agenda for the hearing is published on January 5. Check the project website for updates.

Land Division Code Update

What: The Land Division Code Update aims to encourage new housing development by streamlining the review of residential land divisions. The goal of the project is to reduce regulatory barriers and uncertainty in the application process, while continuing to provide benefits to the community.

Status: The Discussion Draft staff report and code amendments are now available to spur discussion and help refine the amendments before the Proposed Draft is presented for the Planning Commission’s review in 2024. The Discussion Draft, along with more information about the project and the key proposals, is available on the project website. Read the full announcement. The Planning Commission will hold public hearings on the Proposed Draft in February 2024. BPS will bring the Planning Commission’s Recommended Draft of the code updates to City Council for final adoption in Summer 2024.

Next opportunity to engage: Public comments on the Discussion Draft may be submitted via the Map App, or by email. Comments are welcome through 5 p.m. on Dec. 31, 2023. Those interested can always sign up for email updates.

LGBTQ+ Historic Sites Project

What: The City of Portland’s LGBTQ+ Historic Sites Project seeks to identify, document, and preserve historic resources associated with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer+ histories.

Status: The project team is preparing a historic context statement, historic resources survey, and individual National Register of Historic Places nomination forms for properties significantly associated with LGBTQ+ history. Two draft National Register of Historic Places nomination forms will be released for public review in late December. Other draft project deliverables will be available for public review and comment in early 2024.

Next opportunity to engage: Draft National Register nomination forms for the Crystal Hotel and Erv Lind Field will be available for public review in mid-December. Oral and written testimony on the nomination forms will be accepted by both the Portland Historic Landmarks Commission and State Advisory Committee on Historic Preservation in February.

Lower SE Rising Area Plan

What: The Lower SE Rising Area Plan aims to address the historic lack of neighborhood commercial services, diverse housing options, and infrastructure investment in the Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood and nearby areas, including parts of the Mt Scott-Arleta, Woodstock and Lents neighborhoods. Informed by two years of community input, the draft plan includes proposed zoning map changes and recommendations for transportation projects to implement the community’s aspirations for more neighborhood businesses and housing options, supported by transportation improvements, to make it easier to meet daily needs locally and help address affordability.

Status: The Proposed Draft of the Lower SE Rising Area Plan was made available for public review in September and the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the plan on October 10. During their work session on November 14, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend that City Council adopt the Lower SE Rising Area Plan.

Next opportunity to engage: The next opportunity for the public to provide testimony will be when City Council holds a public hearing on the Recommended Draft plan. The hearing date is to be determined, but likely to be held in February or March 2024. Check the project website for updates on the draft plan and upcoming hearings. Those interested can always sign up for email updates.

Montgomery Park to Hollywood Transit and Land Use Development Strategy (MP2H)

What: Exploring options for a successful land use and transit system, including potential future streetcar links to Montgomery Park in Northwest Portland and the Hollywood Town Center in Northeast Portland. A joint effort between the Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability (BPS) and the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT), the MP2H project considers land use and transportation issues and options, including affordable housing, economic development and business stabilization opportunities associated with potential transit investments, including possible extension of the Portland Streetcar.

Status: While the Northwest element of the MP2H work continues, the Northeast element has largely concluded. The MP2H-Northwest Plan Discussion Draft published in December 2021 offered a new long-range land use vision for new housing, more jobs and public benefits in the area near Montgomery Park in Northwest Portland, served by an extension of the Portland Streetcar. A Proposed Draft of the land use and transportation plan is anticipated to be published in early 2024 for public review and Portland Planning Commission hearings.

In June, City staff held a public workshop to discuss development of a design character statement, a tool that will be used in the review of future development proposals subject to design review, for the MP2H Northwest Plan area. A summary of the workshop is available online, including notes of what people had to say. Staff also provided informational briefings to the Portland Planning Commission, Portland Design Commission, and Historic Landmarks Commission in August and September.

Next opportunity to engage: None currently. Visit the BPS project website and PBOT project website for more project information. Those interested can always sign up for email updates.

Regulatory Improvement Code Amendment Package 10 (RICAP 10)

What: Regulatory Improvement Code Amendment Packages (RICAP) are an ongoing series of minor technical updates, clarifications, and refinements to Portland’s zoning regulations. RICAP 10 amendments are grouped into three themes: housing production, economic development, and regulatory reduction.

Status: A package of zoning code updates that aim to make it easier to understand and implement Portland’s zoning code has been released for public review and comment. The Regulatory Improvement Code Amendment Package 10 (RICAP 10) Discussion Draft contains the most recent in an ongoing series of updates and improvements to Portland’s land use regulations. The RICAP 10 Discussion Draft is being shared with community members to solicit their input before staff makes an official proposal to the Planning Commission and, subsequently, City Council. This is the first RICAP package after a five-year hiatus. The RICAP 10 Discussion Draft considers 80 items for possible regulatory improvement. Read the full announcement.

Next opportunity to engage: Portlanders are invited to review these code amendments and provide comments on them to BPS staff via the Map App. Planning staff are accepting comments on the Discussion Draft through Dec. 31, 2023. Those interested can always sign up for email updates.


Kevin Bond

City Planner II, Planning and Sustainability