Dark Skies report heading to City Council on Sept. 17

News Article
City Council will accept the Dark Skies report and recommendations, followed by a vote to proclaim Sept. 19, 2020 as Lights Out Portland.

On Sept. 17 at 2 pm time certain, City Council will hold a session and vote on accepting the Dark Skies: Strategies for Reducing Light Pollution in Portland report:

The report includes background information on, and recommendations for, reducing light pollution generated by unnecessary outdoor lighting.

Over the past 12 months, BPS staff researched issues surrounding light pollution and worked with internal and external stakeholders to develop, analyze and prioritize potential actions that the City of Portland can take to address light pollution.

The recommended actions focus on reducing the negative health and safety impacts from light pollution caused by overly bright and poorly designed outdoor lighting in a manner that does not reduce necessary lighting in light-deficient areas.

The recommended actions call for:

  1. Increased regulation of outdoor lighting on private and public property in Portland.
  2. Addressing total light output, the direction of the lighting, and color temperature (i.e. the amount of blue-rich white light) of all outdoor lighting, including streetlights.
  3. A robust public outreach and education campaign to promote affordable, safe, and effective ways of retrofitting existing outdoor lighting to reduce light pollution.

How to testify

In writing

Written testimony should be submitted and received by the start of the Council session. All testimony must include your name and address. You may submit written testimony in three ways:

  • Testify on the Map App: Select the Dark Skies Project from the list, then click the Testify button to enter your testimony.
  • Email: cctestimony@portlandoregon.gov
  • Send a letter to: City Council, Dark Skies testimony, 1221 SW 4th Ave Room 130, Portland OR 97204.

Watch the Council session


Aug. 26document available for review:

Sept. 17 City Council session; deadline for written testimony