Upcoming City Council sessions
The Portland City Council is scheduled to hold a public hearing and take public testimony on the Montgomery Park Area Plan (MPAP), and the Locally Preferred Alternative for the Portland Streetcar extension, on Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2024, at 2 p.m.
A hearing on a related Public Benefits Agreement, and work session on the plan, is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 21, 2024, at 2 p.m.
What is this project about?
The Montgomery Park Area Plan Recommended Draft proposes land use and transportation changes to establish a new transit-oriented district in Northwest Portland west of Highway 30 between NW Vaughn and NW Nicolai streets. The plan seeks to transition the area into a mixed-use employment district that will support both job growth and housing development.
The Montgomery Park Area Plan includes land use changes to promote equitable, transit oriented development and complement a future extension of the Portland Streetcar. The land use changes include amendments to Portland’s Comprehensive Plan map, zoning map, zoning code, and design guidance for future development.
How can I review this proposal?
The Montgomery Park Area Plan Recommended Draft includes:
- Recommended Plan
- Regulatory Tools
- Transportation Plan
- Amendments to Northwest District and Guild’s Lake Industrial Sanctuary Plans
- Appendix
Tell City Council what you think
Tell City Council what you think about the plan, as recommended by the Planning Commission and Design Commission. Community members can review the Recommended Draft and testify in writing or in person to the City Council.
Testify in writing
Community members are encouraged to testify in writing on the Recommended Draft. Visit the Map App then click the "Testify" button.
Testify in writing via the Map App
Testify verbally
The City Council hearing on Wednesday, Nov. 13 at 2 p.m. will be a hybrid format with options to participate in person at 1900 SW Fourth Avenue, Room 2500, or virtually using a computer, mobile device or telephone. You must sign up to testify in advance. The Council Clerk will post the agenda with the public testimony registration links the Friday before the hearing. To testify before City Council in person or virtually, visit the Council hearing event page for instructions.
Look for updates and more information on the MPAP project homepage.