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Montgomery Park to Hollywood Project: Virtual Urban Design Concept Open Houses and Project Updates

News Article
Visit the virtual open houses and take the surveys through end of July. Attend online info sessions on July 15 and 16 to learn more.

Two Virtual Open Houses will explore draft urban design concepts for the Montgomery Park to Hollywood Transit and Land Use Development Study (MP2H):

The project team is seeking feedback on these issues in order to develop a preferred concept and other land use and transportation implementation measures, such as zoning, transportation improvements, community benefits. Available through the month of July, these virtual open houses include:

  • Ideas for new land use opportunities and directions for development.
  • Potential transportation system improvements that complement the land use and support high quality transit.
  • Information on opportunity sites for future redevelopment and improvements to the public realm.
  • Opportunities to share your thoughts.

We’re offering two related information sessions so you can learn more about the concepts and ask questions of staff. Register in advance for each session to receive the Zoom meeting information.

Our commitment to an equitable process and outcomes

The Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, in partnership with the Portland Bureau of Transportation, is working to address the housing, jobs, transportation, and equitable development needs of the community, as well as climate justice. MP2H project goals will help to:

  • Ensure that underserved and under-represented communities and those potentially most impacted from land use and transportation proposals have an opportunity to meaningfully participate in the planning process and benefit from project outcomes.
  • Advance equitable outcomes by developing community benefits strategies to accompany land use decisions and transportation investments.

Read more about the MP2H project.

Community-based organization outreach

Four community-based organizations were awarded grants to help broaden and deepen outreach to under-represented and underserved communities in both study areas. Micro Enterprise Services of Oregon (MESO) and the Hollywood Senior Center, in partnership with the Urban League of Portland, will conduct outreach in the NE study area. Friendly House and the Northwest Industrial Business Association (NIBA), in partnership with the Columbia Corridor Association, will be conducting outreach in the NW study area. The information gathered by these organizations will inform development of community benefit strategies for the project.

Read more about community-based organization outreach

Project Working Group – NW

The Project Working Group (PWG) has met twice virtually to discuss project background and goals and will continue to meet through February 2021. The PWG acts as a liaison to and from organizations and stakeholders in the area and advises staff on public outreach and other project-related issues in NW Portland. The group was formed to address the NW Portland study area first because staff are expected to consider land use and transportation policy changes in this study area in the nearer term. Changes in the NE Portland area are on a longer time horizon, and additional planning and outreach will be done if and when any major changes are being considered.

Open House – March 2020

On March 2, the MP2H team held an open house at the Metro Regional Center. About 25 community members attended and shared their thoughts on land use and transit options in both the NW and NE study areas. An online open house was also posted along with the event. Attendees of both the in-person and online open houses provided feedback, which is captured in the March 2, 2020 Open House – Public Comments Summary.

Learn more about the March 2020 open house and public comments summary:

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