Past Meetings and Hearings
7/18/24 - Design Commission Hearing Agenda
Regularly scheduled Design Commission Hearings are the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month.
Planning Commission Meeting
Agenda includes Montgomery Park Area Plan (MPAP) work session / recommendation
Planning Commission Meeting
Agenda includes: Montgomery Park Area Plan (MPAP) work session
6/20/24 - Design Commission Hearing Agenda
Regularly scheduled Design Commission Hearings are the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month.
Planning Commission Meeting
Agenda includes: RWA #9193, SE Madison St Vacation; SE Oak St Vacation hearing / recommendation; Montgomery Park Area Plan (MPAP) work session; Housing Production Strategy discussion
6/6/24 - Design Commission Hearing Agenda
Regularly scheduled Design Commission Hearings are the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month.
Planning Commission Meeting
Agenda includes: Montgomery Park Area Plan (MPAP) briefing / hearing joint meeting with the Design Commission
9/11/23 - Historic Landmarks Commission Hearing Agenda
Regularly scheduled Historic Landmarks Commission Hearings are the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month.
8/17/23 - Design Commission Hearing Agenda
Regularly scheduled Design Commission Hearings are the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month.
Planning Commission Meeting
Agenda includes: Montgomery Park to Hollywood (MP2H) briefing; training (Chapter 8: Public Facilities and Services) briefing
MP2H Northwest Plan - Design and Character Statement Workshop
In-person event. Light refreshments will be provided.
Location: Friendly House, Keeston Room, 1737 NW 26th Ave, Portland, OR 97210
MP2H NW Discussion Draft Open House #2
One of two virtual open houses held in February 2022 to share information and answer questions about the Montgomery Park to Hollywood-NW Plan Discussion Draft.
MP2H NW Discussion Draft Open House #1
One of two virtual open houses held in February 2022 to share information and answer questions about the Montgomery Park to Hollywood-NW Plan Discussion Draft.
Montgomery Park to Hollywood NW Project Working Group
MP2H NW Project Working Group Meeting – February 10, 2021
MP2H NW Project Working Group Meeting – November 19, 2020
MP2H NW Project Working Group Meeting – October 14, 2020
MP2H NW Project Working Group Meeting – August 12, 2020
NE Portland Study Area Information Session
Join staff for more details and ask questions about the Urban Design Concepts for the MP2H project.
NW Portland Study Area Information Session
Join staff for more details and ask questions about the Urban Design Concepts for the MP2H project.
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