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MP2H NW Plan Discussion Draft December 2021

MP2H Discussion Draft and other project documents.

The MP2H-NW Plan Discussion Draft is an initial City proposal, informed by community feedback as well as an analysis of alternate scenarios. Public feedback on the Discussion Draft helps the project team refine the plan in order to present a Proposed Draft to the Planning and Sustainability Commission for public hearings and a recommendation (Recommended Draft) to City Council for additional public hearings and a vote.

Volume 1: Summary and report

Describes the recommendations and explains why they are being made.

Volume 2: Zoning code amendments

Includes the zoning code amendment language with commentary to describe the recommended changes.

Appendices: Companion documents and supporting reports

Contains companion and supporting documents that complement or help to inform the Discussion Draft.

Appendix A. Montgomery Park Area Transportation Plan:

Appendix B. MP2H Northwest Urban Design Report:

Appendix C. MP2H Northwest Opportunities and Challenges Report:

Appendix D. MP2H Existing Conditions Report:

Appendix E. MP2H March 2020 Open House – Public Comments Summary:

Appendix F. MP2H Urban Design Concept Open House – Public Comments Summary Report:

Appendix G. Northwest Racial Equity Analysis:

Appendix H. Northwest Streetcar Extension and Land Use Alternatives Analysis:

Public comments

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