City Council to hold a public hearing on a new land use and transportation plan for Lower SE Portland on Thursday, April 25 at 2 p.m.

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Cover image of the Proposed Draft of the Lower Southeast Rising Area Plan, showing an aerial bird's eye view of the project area.
Community members can testify about the Lower SE Rising Plan in person or virtually at the hearing or online.

Lower SE Portland is about to get a new plan

In response to community concerns and advocacy, the bureaus of Planning and Sustainability (BPS) and Transportation (PBOT) worked with residents over the past two years to develop the Lower SE Rising Area Plan.

The land use and transportation plan addresses issues in areas of SE Portland that lack transportation infrastructure, such as sidewalks and safe street crossings, and as well as commercial services. The plan focuses on the Brentwood-Darlington neighborhood and nearby areas, including parts of the Woodstock, Mt. Scott-Arleta, and Lents neighborhoods.

After considering public testimony on Nov. 14, 2023, the Portland Planning Commission voted to forward the long-range plan to City Council with their recommendation.

The Recommended Draft of the Lower SE Rising Area Plan is now available for review. City Council will hold a public hearing on the Recommended Draft on Thursday, April 25 at 2 p.m. Community members are invited to testify on the plan at the hearing or in writing.

What’s in the Lower SE Rising Area Plan Recommended Draft?

The Lower SE Rising Area Plan recommends zone changes to expand opportunities for more neighborhood businesses and affordable housing, along with transportation improvements to make it easier for people to meet their daily needs close by. The Plan changes include:

  • Designation of a Brentwood-Darlington neighborhood center, with zone changes to allow for a neighborhood business district to serve as a hub for commercial services, along with expanded multi-dwelling zoning nearby to allow for more people to live close to services.
  • Zone changes along transit corridors to allow more small businesses and a greater range of housing, including more affordable options. Note that proposed zone changes do not require any changes to existing houses and other development; rather they allow more options for future property uses.
  • Transportation improvements to make it safer and easier to walk, bike and take transit in the area. The plan includes recommendations for transportation safety projects along major corridors, such as adding pedestrian crossings and filling in sidewalk gaps. The plan also includes neighborhood greenway projects on quieter streets to provide safer ways for people to walk and bike to parks, schools and other community destinations.
  • Community stabilization approaches that support continuation of the area’s existing low-cost apartments and manufactured home parks.

Tell City Council what you think

Community members can review the Recommended Draft Plan and testify in writing or in person to the City Council.

Testify in writing

Community members are encouraged to testify in writing on the Recommended Draft via the Map App. Submitting testimony through the Map App is as easy as sending an email (be sure to click the “testify” button). Written testimony must be received by the time of the hearing.

Testify through the Map App

Testify verbally

The hearing on April 25 at 2 p.m. will be a hybrid format with options to participate in person at 1900 SW Fourth Avenue, Room 2500, or virtually using a computer, mobile device or telephone. You must sign up to testify in advance. The Council Clerk will post the agenda with the public testimony registration links on Friday, April 19 at 9 a.m. To testify before City Council in person or virtually, visit the Council hearing event page for instructions.