Lower SE Rising PAC Member List

List of Project Advisory Committee members and affiliations

Anna Weichsel
Brentwood-Darlington resident and Woodstock Neighborhood Association board member

Aron Klein
Brentwood-Darlington resident

Ben Waterhouse
Mt. Scott-Arleta resident

Bevan Augustine
Brentwood-Darlington resident

Brian Choe (through June 2021)
Lents resident and Korean American Coalition (KAC) board member

Carolanne Fry
Mt. Scott-Arleta resident

Eleanor Manning
Mt. Scott-Arleta resident

Jed Hafner
Oregon Walks board member

Julie Garner
Lents resident

Kathy Brock
Brentwood-Darlington resident

Meesa Long
Brentwood-Darlington resident and Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) Bureau & Budget Advisory Committee (BBAC) member

Melanii Lambert
Brentwood-Darlington resident

Michael Kennedy
Mt. Scott-Arleta resident

Nancy Chapin
Brentwood-Darlington resident; 82nd Avenue (of Roses) Business Association board member; Woodstock Community Business Association board member

Nick Sauvie
Woodstock resident; ROSE Community Development executive director; East Portland Action Plan Housing Subcommittee member

Pam Hodge
Brentwood-Darlington resident and Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood Association (BDNA) board member

Ryan Ernst (through May 2022)
Brentwood-Darlington resident

Scott Goodman
Brentwood-Darlington resident; ROSE Community Development board member

Tim Williams
Mt. Scott-Arleta resident

Valeria McWilliams
Lents resident; Portland Planning and Sustainability Commission member; Bureau of Planning & Sustainability (BPS) Community Involvement Committee member; BPS Budget Advisory Committee member

Vivian Schoung
Woodstock resident


Bill Cunningham

Senior City Planner, Planning and Sustainability

Shane Valle

Senior City Planner, Transportation