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About the Lower SE Rising Area Plan

flowering bushes on right, road in center, grass on left, houses and cars in background
Project overview, background, next steps and timeline.

Project overview

The Lower Southeast Rising Area Plan addresses land use and transportation challenges in the Brentwood-Darlington neighborhood and nearby areas, including parts of the Woodstock, Mt. Scott-Arleta, and Lents neighborhoods. In response to nearly two years of community input, the plan proposes zone changes to expand opportunities for neighborhood businesses and housing and recommends transportation improvements to make it easier for people to meet daily needs locally and help address housing affordability. The plan's proposals are intended to:

  • Foster a Brentwood-Darlington neighborhood center, with expanded commercial zoning to allow for a neighborhood business district, supported by additional housing, in the area around SE 72nd and Flavel, with a smaller commercial hub at SE 82nd.
  • Cultivate SE 52nd and 72nd as neighborhood corridors with more housing options, commercial hubs at key intersections, in conjunction with recommendations for transportation improvements. Proposals also include zone changes to allow more housing along other corridors close to services, such as parts of SE Woodstock and SE Holgate.
  • Improve transportation infrastructure, with recommendations for transportation projects to make it safer and easier to walk, bike and take transit in the area.
This map shows the Lower Southeast Rising project area. There is a special focus on the Brentwood-Darlington neighborhood. The larger project area from west to east includes SE Cesar Chavez Boulevard to SE 92nd Avenue and south to north from approximately SE Overland Street to SE Holgate Boulevard and SE Foster Road.
This map shows the Lower Southeast Rising project area. There is a special focus on the Brentwood-Darlington neighborhood.

Project background

This area of lower southeast Portland shares many characteristics with East Portland, such as unimproved streets, sidewalk gaps, limited street network, poor transit service, and few neighborhood commercial amenities. The area lacks stores, restaurants, and other conveniences for people to walk or bike to, so residents must resort to driving. View the project area map:

As well, the absence of a clear plan for growth and transportation has led to a lack of investment. Without adequate transportation, the Lower SE Rising area is unable to be zoned for mixed-use development, but without a designated center or corridor, investments in transportation are inhibited.

Project steps and timeline

  • Task 1: Project management and public involvement – throughout project timeline
  • Task 2: Existing conditions and alternatives development – Spring to Summer 2021
  • Task 3: Alternatives analysis and framework plan development – Fall 2021 to Summer 2022
  • Task 4: Implementation strategy – Summer to Fall 2022
  • Task 5: Draft plan development – Winter 2022 to Summer 2023
  • Task 6: Proposed Draft and Planning Commission hearing – Fall 2023
  • Task 7: Recommended Draft and City Council hearing – Winter 2023/24

For more information, visit the project home page.

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