2035 Comprehensive Plan
The 2035 Comprehensive Plan guides the City to prepare for and manage expected population and employment growth, as well as guides investments in land use and public facilities.
Area Planning
Area‐specific planning efforts take place for smaller parts of the city. Planning for smaller geographies — like a district of the city or the neighborhoods along a transit line — provides an opportunity to explore issues at a finer scale and with the local community.
Environmental and River Planning
The Environmental and River Planning team works to ensure that the City of Portland’s watershed and environmental health goals are met, along with goals for livable neighborhoods, a prosperous economy, and community equity.
Historic and Cultural Resources
The Historic and Cultural Resources Program maintains Portland’s Historic Resource Inventory, advances periodic refinements to applicable land use regulations, supports the preservation of under-represented historic sites, and ensures City compliance with State and Federal historic preservation requirements.
Housing and Economic Planning
Portland’s Comprehensive Plan helps us prepare for and manage expected population and employment growth, including providing enough land for housing and jobs. The Housing and Economic Planning program compares the job and housing forecasts against our capacity to accommodate them, then develops strategies to meet our goals.
Urban Design
The Urban Design team helps describe the physical qualities of existing and future places with flexible urban design concepts that provide stronger visual and physical links to the city’s natural settings, open spaces and landscape, as well as vibrant and more densely developed centers and corridors offering a range of shopping, services and amenities easily accessible by a network of transit and freight corridors, city greenways and urban habitat pathways.
Visit the Long-range Planning homepage or the links above for more information.