Comment on draft strategies to stimulate development of needed housing

News Article
Planning Commission to consider public comment on the Draft Housing Production Strategy and supporting documents

Over the past year, Bureau of Planning and Sustainability (BPS) staff have conducted in-depth analyses and continued engagement around housing needs in Portland. Now, as required by the state, staff are working with partners across the city, county and the state to draft a new Housing Production Strategy (HPS) for the City of Portland.

The HPS is a five-year action plan, including strategies and actions the City can take to promote new housing development. These strategies will help meet the community’s current and future housing needs, especially for more equitable and affordable options for a wider range of household incomes, needs, and preferences.

The recently released supplemental documents provide more context and support for the state-required Housing Production Strategy, including:

  1. HPS Housing Needs Memo: Supplements the 2045 Housing Needs Analysis; preliminary analysis of what housing the City needs to plan for
  2. HPS Engagement Memo: Summarizes engagement efforts to date
  3. HPS Fair Housing Assessment Memo: Analyzes how the draft strategies, in combination with other City actions, will achieve equitable outcomes
  4. HPS Existing Actions Memo: Outlines the strategies, programs and actions the City has already undertaken to meet current and future housing needs

Tell the Planning Commission what you think

Community members are invited to review these documents and comment in writing or in person to the Planning Commission, which will consider public comments before they forward their recommendation to City staff.

Staff will brief the commission on the HPS and the supplemental documents on May 28, 2024, at 5 p.m. The meeting is a hybrid format, with options to participate either in person or virtually using a computer, mobile device, or telephone. Individuals have three minutes to give oral comments, unless stated otherwise at the briefing.

Submit written comment

We strongly encourage electronic written comment. Written comment must be received by Tue., June 11 at 12 p.m. and must include your name and address.

Use the Map App

Comment in writing via the Map App

Commenting in the Map App is as easy as sending an email. Use the link above, then click the "Comment" button.

U.S. Mail

Portland Planning Commission
Portland Housing Production Strategy Comment
1810 SW 5th Ave, Suite 710
Portland, OR 97201

What happens next?

After the public briefing on May 28, the Planning Commission will consider all written and oral comments on this proposal on June 11. The Planning Commission will provide feedback to staff for consideration. City Council adoption will be in August.

Why is this important?

Everyone deserves to live in a secure and healthy home, but not all Portlanders can access safe and affordable housing. Economic, social, and physical barriers often limit residents from finding homes that meet their life needs. In recent years, the rising cost of living has made it even harder for people, straining the budgets of all but the most well-off.

Over the next 20 years, Portland will need up to 120,000 new housing units, including a variety of housing types (family-sized, affordable, accessible/visitable) for current and future households.

The draft housing production strategies are the first step toward meeting that need.