Demolition of City-designated Historic Landmarks
Most of Portland’s Historic Landmarks are listed in the National Register of Historic Places and are subject to Type IV (City Council) demolition review. Demolition review is a land use procedure that requires City approval before a historic resource can be demolished.
Some of Portland’s Historic Landmarks (approximately 10%) are not listed in the National Register of Historic Places and are therefore subject to 120-day demolition delay and not demolition review. The recommended changes would apply Type IV demolition review to City-designated Historic Landmarks to ensure consistent protection of all Historic Landmarks.
Changes to historic resource review
Alterations to Historic Landmarks, such as replacing a window or adding a penthouse, are subject to a discretionary review known as historic resource review. The recommended amendments include changes to the procedure types, approval criteria and exemptions to historic resource review. Recommended changes to procedure types are intended to better align application fees and timelines with the scale of the proposed alterations. Recommended changes to the criteria used in reviewing alteration, addition and new construction proposals are intended to provide increased clarity and options for applicants. Recommended new exemptions are intended to allow for certain minor alterations, such as small signs and outlets, to proceed without review.
Increased allowances for adaptive reuse
Many Historic Landmarks have the potential to be adapted to new and creative uses without harming significant historic features. Allowing for the reuse of historic resources provides economically viable options for rehabilitation, increases public access to historic places and provides opportunities for interpreting the past through the lens of contemporary values. The recommended changes would allow certain Historic Landmarks to be used in ways not otherwise allowed by zoning, such as retail and office uses in residential zones, while mitigating offsite impacts. Additionally, requirements for providing on-site parking would be removed.
New rules for building relocation
New provisions, which are absent today, are recommended to allow Historic Landmarks to be relocated, subject to review and approval by the Historic Landmarks Commission.
Added clarity on Landmark boundaries
Recommended changes would clearly identify the boundaries of Historic Landmark properties on the Official Zoning Map, making them more evident to researchers, property owners and prospective buyers.
New resource type for landmarks federally listed since 2017
The Oregon Land Conservation and Development Commission adopted new Administrative Rules in January 2017 pertaining to the protection of properties listed in the National Register of Historic Places. Properties listed in the National Register after January 2017 are recommended to be renamed as National Register Landmarks, to be consistent with the State Rules.These National Register Landmarks would be subject to demolition review, but not historic resource review. Unlike Historic Landmarks, National Register Landmarks would be subject to a Type III (Historic Landmarks Commission) procedure for demolition review.