Over the past year, Bureau of Planning and Sustainability staff have been developing a proposal to require all new apartment buildings with five or more units – that include onsite parking – to provide electric vehicle (EV)-ready charging infrastructure.
The City of Portland recognizes that zero-emission private cars are cleaner and more fuel efficient than fossil fueled vehicles and has adopted policy direction to support the use of electric vehicles. But research shows that access to convenient charging is a key factor in the decision to buy an electric vehicle. So requiring developers to provide the conduit and electrical capacity needed for future charging equipment/stations with new parking facilities will increase the use of EVs and save substantial costs on future charging station installation.
The EV Ready Code Project puts the City of Portland in compliance with the Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) Climate-Friendly and Equitable Communities Rulemaking process – and then some. The DLCD rules increase the required percentage of EV-ready parking spaces for mixed-use development to 40%. The City of Portland proposal would increase this requirement to 50%.
Proposed Draft available for review
BPS staff have released a Proposed Draft for public review and formal testimony to the Planning and Sustainability Commission. It includes five key proposals:
- Require sites with five or more new dwelling units to provide electric vehicle-ready infrastructure for:
- 100% of parking spaces when six or fewer spaces are provided; or
- 50% of parking space when more than six spaces are provided.
- Add development standards (e.g., placement) for all EV-ready installations.
- Clarify how EV-ready installations are categorized in land use code; they are generally an accessory use, but in some cases, they could be a primary use.
- Target incentives to include EV charging for car sharing and carpool parking.
- Do not include the cost of EV improvements in the value of the site’s improvements for retrofits.
Submit testimony
In person
Testify in person at the public hearing Tuesday, Sept. 13, 2022, at 12:30 p.m. This hearing will be a hybrid format. Testifiers can participate either in-person or virtually using a computer, mobile device, or telephone. You must sign up to testify in advance.
In writing
Use the Map App
Testify in writing via the Map App
Click on the "Testify" button. You can testify on the proposals in general. Testifying in the Map App is as easy as sending an email. Once your testimony is submitted, you can read it in real time.
U.S. Mail
You must provide your full name and mailing address.
Portland Planning and Sustainability Commission
EV Ready Code Project Testimony
1810 SW 5th Ave, Suite 710
Portland, OR 97201