Public Meeting
10:00 am
11:30 am
Available Online
Connection Instructions
Or join by phone: 346-248-7799
Meeting ID: 959 0257 1315
Passcode: 695551
Meeting purpose
- Quick review of proposed code concepts
- Questions, answers, and comments on the proposed code concepts
- Review timeline for code adoption process
- Wrap-up and thank you
Desired outcomes
- Understanding the proposed code concepts and having questions addressed
- Communicate deadline for final comments from this group
10 minutes – Ingrid and Marty
- Welcome
- Meeting Purpose
- Shared Ground Rules
2 minutes – All
- Round-robin “in the chat” introductions
- Name and organization
- Share one take-away, from this EV Ready Code Project Technical Advisory Series, with the group. For example, you could share something you’ve learned or found interesting during this process
20 minutes – Ingrid and Marty
- Presentation: Quick refresher/review of proposed code concepts
40 minutes – All
- Q & A:
- Question, answer, and comments on proposed code concepts
5 minutes – Marty
- Review timeline for code adoption process
5 minutes – Ingrid and Marty
- Wrap-up and thank you