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Meeting purpose
- Share information about proposed relevant legislation
- Share overview of best practices research
- Present draft code concepts (best case scenario, contingency plans, etc.)
- Discussion and draft code concepts
- Review timeline
Desired outcomes
- Clear understanding of current legislation complexities
- Understand the relationship of State and local codes
- Input on draft code concepts
10 minutes – Ingrid and Marty
- Welcome
- Meeting Purpose
- Shared Ground Rules
2 minutes – All
- Round-robin “in the chat” introductions
- Name and organization
- Share something you are looking forward to this spring
60 minutes – Ingrid, Marty and all
- Three-part Staff presentation on legislative overview, best practices overview, draft code concepts and room discussion
- Questions include:
- Are there questions on the legislation process?
- Are there questions on the relationship between State and local codes?
- Of the draft code concepts, we’ve presented and discussed, which do you think are most important to implement with the goal of increasing EV access to low-income and multi-dwelling residents? Why?
About this rescheduled meeting
There are a couple of EV-Ready related legislative bills, currently being considered by State Legislators, that could directly impact the ability for Portland to require developers to install EV-Ready infrastructure in new and existing buildings. As a result of the uncertainty of these bills, we are postponing the meeting that was originally scheduled for 10:00 AM on Tuesday, February 23rd to Tuesday, April 6th at 10:00-12:00. Postponing this meeting allows the project staff time to further track the proposed bill progress and adjust our project scope and timeline accordingly.
Thanks so much for your flexibility and understanding. We look forward to connecting with you in April.