City Council unanimously approves plan to protect Portland’s residents, properties, wildlife, and floodplains
The Floodplain Resilience Plan updates development requirements in Portland’s floodplain to minimize flood risk and protect habitat for threatened and endangered fish.
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Plan to protect Portland’s residents, properties, wildlife, and floodplains heads to City Council
Portlanders invited to testify on the Floodplain Resilience Plan Recommended Draft and proposed amendments to City Council virtually or in-person at a public hearing on August 30, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. or in writing via the Map App or U.S. Mail.
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Updates to draft Ezones in Columbia Corridor and nearby industrial land available for review
The updated draft Ezones reflect site visit results and refinements of mapping policies. Residents, business owners, and property owners are invited to review the updated draft Ezones on the CCIL Map App. Contact project staff with questions or use the Map App to request a site visit.
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Proposals to update Portland’s floodplain regulations move forward in preparation for City Council consideration in August
Community members will have opportunities to provide input on building code (City Title 24) updates in July; City Council hearings on both building code and zoning code at the end of August.
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Planning and Sustainability Commission Recommends the Floodplain Resilience Plan to City Council
Plan aims to reduce the impacts of flooding in Portland and protect floodplain habitat for endangered and threatened fish species; City Council to consider the plan in the spring of 2023.
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City Council Voted to Adopt the Ezone Project
On May 25, City Council voted to adopt the Environmental Overlay Map Correction Project (also known as the Ezone Project).
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Plan to protect Portland’s residents, properties and floodplains ready for public review and comment
Public comments sought on the Floodplain Resilience Plan Discussion Draft; learn how the plan will help make the city’s environmental zones and nearby communities more resilient at online open house events.
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Planning and Sustainability Commission to hold additional public hearing on Ezone Map Correction Project on August 24
Portlanders invited to review and testify on the amended Proposed Draft Ezone Map Correction Project; additional properties included to protect streams, wetlands, forests and slopes.
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Ezone Map Correction Project summary of testimony and site visits results
The public is invited to review a summary of testimony provided on the Ezone Map Correction Project and results of site visits.
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Ezone Map Correction Project upcoming work session with the Planning and Sustainability Commission
On April 13 the PSC will hold a work session on the Ezone Map Correction Project; commissioners will discuss proposed amendments based on site visits, as well as other possible amendments to the maps and zoning codes.
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Tree protections in effect for the South Reach of the Willamette River
The Portland City Council adopted new land use regulations for the Willamette River (River Plan/South Reach) that went into effect on March 1, 2021.
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Upcoming briefing and public hearing on Ezone Map Correction Project with the Planning and Sustainability Commission
On February 9 project staff will brief the PSC on the Ezone Map Correction Project. On February 23, there will be a continued public hearing on the updated draft ezone maps.
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Ezone Map Correction Project public briefing postponed to February 9, 2021
The Planning and Sustainability Commission briefing on the Environmental Overlay Zone Map Correction project has been moved from January 26 to February 9, 2021.
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River Plan / South Reach adopted by City Council
New 20-year plan for the southern end of the Willamette River in Portland will provide greater access to the river and more recreation opportunities on land and in the water.
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Ezone Map Correction Project public hearing postponed and new draft ezones are ready for public review
The rescheduled February 23 public hearing with the Planning and Sustainability Commission will cover the most current draft of proposed environmental zones, which reflect recent site visits to individual properties and new wetland mapping.
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River Plan / South Reach and Willamette River Greenway Inventory on their way to City Council
Testify in writing or by Zoom at the November 4 public hearing on the River Plan / South Reach and an update to the Willamette River Greenway Inventory.
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River Plan / South Reach on its way to City Council
Planning and Sustainability Commission and Design Commission vote to recommend proposals to City Council; public hearing TBD
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June 2020 – Bureau of Planning and Sustainability (BPS) Updates
A monthly snapshot of land use planning work going on in your neighborhoods. Please visit the project website and contact project staff with any questions.
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Planning and Sustainability Commission close to voting on River Plan / South Reach Plan
On June 23, Commissioners will hear from the Joint Office of Homeless Services and reopen testimony re: boating activities before voting to recommend the plan to City Council.
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Community input sought for the future character of Macadam Avenue Area
City planners and community members consider the design of the built environment on and around South Portland’s major thoroughfare.
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