Engage in land use planning

Sketch of aerial view of downtown Portland and the river, surrounded by green hills
Videos and resources to explain what land use planning is and how you can participate in the process of shaping the future of our city through the land use planning process.
On this page

What is land use planning?

You don’t have to have an advanced degree to understand how land use planning works. But it’s helpful to know the basics.

The Portland Plan, the 2035 Comprehensive Plan, the Central City 2035 Plan, and most recently the West Portland Town Center Plan would not have been possible without the active and ongoing participation of the people of Portland.

So, whether it’s at a neighborhood association meeting, wandering around a community fair or event, or sitting on your couch or at your kitchen table viewing land use proposals on the Map App, you can learn about how the City’s land use planning efforts are shaping the future of the city. And you can weigh in.

Because there are still decisions to be made:

  • How much housing do we need in the next 20 years – and what kind?
  • What types of jobs will create the future Portland workforce? And how will businesses be a part of the climate solution?
  • How should the future of the Albina District evolve?
  • What are we doing to ensure that our communities are safe from rising waters and flooding? And how we can make sure we do no harm?

Below are a few resources to explain what land use planning is and how you can participate in the process of shaping the future of our city through the land use planning process.

Jane Public: How Planning Works

This video describes how land use plans make their way through the “legislative process” and how Portlanders can make a difference in their community.

The Legislative Planning Process

This narrated slideshow describes the legislative planning process in simple terms.

ABCs of land use planning

This presentation explains the ABCs of land use planning in Oregon, Metro, and Portland:

Stay tuned

Land use decisions affect us all and, therefore, should be addressed collectively. So, we invite you to stay tuned to our planning work:

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