BPS’s Economic Development Planning Program supports economic equity, land use planning for business districts, economic development policy, and economic research for bureau projects.
On this page
A healthy economy is the foundation of a livable city, providing opportunities for people to achieve their full potential. A healthy economy supports the creation of living wage jobs for our growing and increasingly diverse population as well as a growing tax base for public services. It also improves health and educational outcomes.
Links to current projects, policies, and research:
Economic equity analysis and initiatives
Current citywide economic development policies
- Economic development policies of Portland’s 2035 Comprehensive Plan (adopted 2016) – City’s long-range plan for development and public facilities.
- Economic Prosperity and Affordability Strategy – one of four Portland Plan strategies in the Portland Plan (adopted 2012) - City’s strategic plan to 2035. The Portland Plan Progress Report (2017) tracks performance on metrics and actions.
- PDC 2020 Strategic Plan – Prosper Portland (formerly PDC) is Portland’s economic development agency
- Greater Portland 2020 (Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy) – 5-year regional action plan for economic prosperity, prepared as a public-private partnership by Greater Portland Inc.
Portland’s business districts
- Central City 2035 – long-range plan for central Portland
- Employment Zoning Project – zoning code and map changes to meet industrial and employment land forecast needs, a CP2035 early implementation project
- Campus Institutional Zoning Project – zoning code and map changes to meet hospital and college land forecast needs, a CP2035 early implementation project
- Barbur Concept Plan – land use concept to support a new high-capacity transit corridor. Barbur Corridor Market Analysis (2011) assesses corridor growth potential.
- Business district profiles
- Commercial Corridors Study (2004)
Forecast, industry and market analysis
- Portland Economic Opportunities Analysis (adopted 2016) – development forecast to 2035 and capacity analysis
- Portland Green Loop Economic Analysis