Presidents Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Feb. 17, to observe Presidents Day.

Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

Comprehensive Plan land use designations

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Open Space

This designation is intended for lands that serve a recreational, public open space, or ecological function, or provide visual relief. Lands in this designation are primarily publicly-owned but can be in private ownership. Lands intended for the Open Space designation include parks, public plazas, natural areas, scenic lands, golf courses, cemeteries, open space buffers along freeway margins, railroads or abutting industrial areas, and large water bodies. The corresponding zone is OS.

Single-Dwelling Residential

Farm and Forest

This designation is intended for agricultural and forested areas far from centers and corridors, where urban public services are extremely limited or absent, and future investment to establish an urban level of public services is not planned. Areas within this designation generally have multiple significant development constraints that may pose health and safety risks if the land were more densely developed. The designation can be used where larger lot sizes are necessary to enable on-site sanitary or stormwater disposal. It also may be used in locations that may become more urban in the future, but where plans are not yet in place to ensure orderly development. Agriculture, forestry, and very low-density single-dwelling residential will be the primary uses. The maximum density is generally 1 unit per 2 acres. The corresponding zone is RF.

Single-Dwelling – 20,000

This designation is intended for areas that are generally far from centers and corridors where urban public services are extremely limited or absent, and future investments in urban public services will be limited. Areas within the designation generally have multiple significant development constraints that may pose health and safety risks if the land were more densely developed. Very low-density singledwelling residential and agriculture will be the primary uses. The maximum density is generally 2.2 units per acre. The corresponding zone is R20.

Single-Dwelling – 10,000

This designation is intended for areas far from centers and corridors where urban public services are available or planned but complete local street networks or transit service is limited. This designation is also intended for areas where ecological resources or public health and safety considerations warrant lower densities. Areas within this designation generally have development constraints, but the constraints can be managed through appropriate design during the subdivision process. Single dwelling residential will be the primary use. The maximum density is generally 4.4 units per acre. The corresponding zone is R10.

Single-Dwelling – 7,000

This designation is intended for areas that are not adjacent to centers and corridors, where urban public services are available or planned, but complete local street networks or transit service is limited. This designation is also intended for areas where ecological resources or public health and safety considerations warrant lower densities. Areas within this designation may have minor development constraints, but the constraints can be managed through appropriate design during the subdivision process. This designation may also be applied in areas where urban public services are available or planned, but the development pattern is already predominantly built-out at 5 to 6 units per acre. Single-dwelling residential will be the primary use. The maximum density is generally 6.2 units per acre. The corresponding zone is R7.

Single-Dwelling – 5,000

This designation is Portland’s most common pattern of single-dwelling development, particularly in the city’s inner neighborhoods. It is intended for areas where urban public services, generally including complete local street networks and access to frequent transit, are available or planned. Areas within this designation generally have few or very minor development constraints. Single-dwelling residential will be the primary use. The maximum density is generally 8.7 units per acre. The corresponding zone is R5.

Single-Dwelling – 2,500

This designation allows a mix of housing types that are single-dwelling in character. This designation is intended for areas near, in, and along centers and corridors, near transit station areas, where urban public services, generally including complete local street networks and access to frequent transit, are available or planned. Areas within this designation generally do not have development constraints. This designation often serves as a transition between mixed use or multi-dwelling designations and lower density single dwelling designations. The maximum density is generally 17.4 units per acre. The corresponding zone is R2.5.

Multi-Dwelling Residential

Multi-Dwelling – Neighborhood

This designation allows low-rise multi-dwelling development mixed with single dwelling housing types, at a scale that is compatible with, but somewhat larger than, single-dwelling residential. This designation is intended for areas near, in, and along centers, neighborhood corridors, and transit stations, in locations where transit-supportive densities at a low-rise residential scale is desired. Areas within this designation generally do not have development constraints, and are in locations where urban public services, generally including complete local street networks and access to frequent transit, are available or planned. Maximum density is based on a floor area ratio, not on a units-per-square-foot basis. Minimum density is 17 units per acre. The corresponding zone is RM1.

Multi-Dwelling – Corridor

This designation allows medium-scale multi-dwelling development. The scale of development is intended to accommodate transit-supportive densities while providing transitions to nearby single-dwelling residential. The designation is intended for areas near, in, and along centers, civic and neighborhood corridors, and transit station areas, where urban public services, generally including complete local street networks and access to frequent transit, are available or planned. Areas within this designation generally do not have development constraints. Maximum density is based on a floor area ratio, not on a units-per-square-foot basis. Minimum density is 30 units per acre. The corresponding zone is RM2.

Multi-Dwelling – Urban Center

This designation is intended for the Central City, Gateway Regional Center, Town Centers, and transit station areas where a residential focus is desired and urban public services including access to high-capacity transit, very frequent bus service, or streetcar service are available or planned. This designation is intended to allow high-density multi-dwelling structures at an urban scale. Maximum density is based on a floor-area-ratio, not on a unit-per-square-foot basis. Minimum density is 43 units an acre. The corresponding zones are RM3 and RM4. This designation is accompanied by the Design overlay zone.

Central Residential

This designation allows the highest density and most intensely developed multi dwelling structures. Limited commercial uses are also allowed as part of new development. The designation is intended for the Central City and Gateway Regional Center where urban public services are available or planned including access to high-capacity transit, very frequent bus service, or streetcar service. Development will generally be oriented to pedestrians. Maximum density is based on a floor area ratio, not on a units-per-square-foot basis. Minimum density is 87 units per acre. Densities allowed exceed 100 units per acre. The corresponding zone is RX. This designation is accompanied by the Design overlay zone.

Manufactured Dwelling Park

This designation allows multi-dwelling residential development in manufactured dwelling parks. Allowed housing is manufactured dwellings that are assembled offsite. The designation is intended to reflect the unique features of manufactured dwelling parks in terms of a self-contained development with smaller dwellings on individual spaces with an internal vehicle circulation system, pedestrian pathways, and open area often resulting in lower building coverage than other multi-dwelling designations. The maximum density is generally 29 spaces per acre, one space per 1,500 square feet of site area. The corresponding zone is RMP.

Mixed Use and Commercial

Mixed Use – Dispersed

This designation allows mixed use, multi-dwelling, or commercial development that is small in scale, has little impact, and provides services for the nearby residential areas. Development will be similar in scale to nearby residential development to promote compatibility with the surrounding area. This designation is intended for areas where urban public services are available or planned. Areas within this designation are generally small nodes rather than large areas or corridors. The corresponding zones are Commercial Mixed Use 1 (CM1), Commercial Employment (CE), and Commercial Residential (CR).

Mixed Use – Neighborhood

This designation promotes mixed-use development in neighborhood centers and along neighborhood corridors to preserve or cultivate locally serving commercial areas with a storefront character. This designation is intended for areas where urban public services, generally including complete local street networks and access to frequent transit, are available or planned, and development constraints do not exist. Areas within this designation are generally pedestrian-oriented and are predominantly built at low- to mid-rise scale, often with buildings close to and oriented towards the sidewalk. The corresponding zones are Commercial Mixed Use 1 (CM1), Commercial Mixed Use 2 (CM2), and Commercial Employment (CE).

Mixed Use – Civic Corridor

This designation allows for transit-supportive densities of commercial, residential, and employment uses, including a full range of housing, retail, and service businesses with a local or regional market. This designation is intended for areas along major corridors where urban public services are available or planned including access to high-capacity transit, frequent bus service, or streetcar service. The Civic Corridor designation is applied along some of the City’s busiest, widest, and most prominent streets. As the city grows, these corridors also need to become places that can succeed as attractive locations for more intense, mixed-use development. They need to become places that are attractive and safe for pedestrians while continuing to play a major role in the City’s transportation system. Civic Corridors, as redevelopment occurs, are also expected to achieve a high level of environmental performance and design. The corresponding zones are Commercial Mixed Use 1 (CM1), Commercial Mixed Use 2 (CM2), Commercial Mixed Use 3 (CM3), and Commercial Employment (CE). Within this designation, the CM3 zone is accompanied by the Design overlay zone.

Mixed Use – Urban Center

This designation is intended for areas that are close to the Central City and within Town Centers where urban public services are available or planned including access to high-capacity transit, very frequent bus service, or streetcar service. The designation allows a broad range of commercial and employment uses, public services, and a wide range of housing options. Areas within this designation are generally mixed-use and very urban in character. Development will be pedestrian oriented with a strong emphasis on design and street level activity, and will range from low- to mid-rise in scale. The range of zones and development scale associated with this designation are intended to allow for more intense development in core areas of centers and corridors and near transit stations, while providing transitions to adjacent residential areas. The corresponding zones are Commercial Mixed Use 1 (CM1), Commercial Mixed Use 2 (CM2), Commercial Mixed Use 3 (CM3), and Commercial Employment (CE). This designation is accompanied by the Design overlay zone.

Central Commercial

This designation is intended to provide for commercial development within Portland’s Central City and Gateway Regional Center. A broad range of uses is allowed to reflect Portland’s role as a commercial, cultural, and governmental center. Development is intended to be very intense with high building coverage, large buildings, and buildings placed close together along a pedestrian-oriented, safe, and attractive streetscape. The corresponding zone is Central Commercial (CX). This designation is accompanied by the Design overlay zone.


Central Employment

The designation allows for a full range of commercial, light-industrial, and residential uses. This designation is intended to provide for mixed-use areas within the Central City and Gateway Regional Center where urban public services are available or planned including access to high-capacity transit or streetcar service. The intensity of development will be higher than in other mixed-use land designations. The corresponding zone is Central Employment (EX). This designation is accompanied by the Design overlay zone.

Mixed Employment

This designation encourages a wide variety of office, creative services, manufacturing, distribution, traded sector, and other light-industrial employment opportunities, typically in a low-rise, flex-space development pattern. Most employment uses are allowed but limited in impact by the small lot size and adjacency to residential neighborhoods. Retail uses are allowed but are limited in intensity so as to maintain adequate employment development opportunities. Residential uses are not allowed to reserve land for employment uses, to prevent conflicts with the other uses, and to limit the proximity of residents to truck traffic and other impacts. The corresponding zones are General Employment 1 (EG1) and General Employment 2 (EG2).

Institutional Campus

This designation is intended for large institutional campuses that are centers of employment and serve a population from a larger area than the neighborhood or neighborhoods in which the campus is located. This designation is intended for areas where urban public services are available or planned. This designation includes medical centers, colleges, schools, and universities. A variety of other uses are allowed that support the mission of the campus, such as residences for students, staff, or faculty. Neighborhood-serving commercial uses and other services are also encouraged. The designation is intended to foster the growth of the institution while enhancing the livability of surrounding residential neighborhoods and the viability of nearby business areas. Corresponding zones are Campus Institution 1 (CI1), Campus Institution 2 (CI2), and Institutional Residential (IR).


Industrial Sanctuary

This designation is intended to reserve areas that are attractive for manufacturing and distribution operations and encourage the growth of industrial activities in the parts of the city where important freight and distribution infrastructure exists, including navigable rivers, airports, railways, and pipelines. A full range of industrial uses are permitted and encouraged. Nonindustrial uses are significantly restricted to facilitate freight mobility, retain market feasibility for industrial development, prevent land use conflicts, reduce human exposure to freight traffic and potential air quality, noise, and pedestrian safety impacts, and to preserve land for sustained industrial use. The corresponding zones are General Industrial 1 (IG1), General Industrial 2 (IG2), and Heavy Industrial (IH).

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