SAVE THE DATE: Parkrose-Argay Development Study Open House, June 19

News Article
Community members invited to review the Preferred Concept Plan for the Rossi, Guisto, and Garre Farms properties.

Community members are invited to preview the “Preferred Concept Plan” for the farm sites on NE 122nd Avenue and NE Shaver Street. This concept for new development builds on the community workshop held on April 18, 2019. Since then, City planners and consultants have been incorporating the feedback into one draft concept plan, the “preferred” concept.

At the June 19 Preferred Concept Plan Open House, we will share the new concept plan and get your feedback on the preferred layout and potential future land uses. A presentation about the concept plan will start at 6:45 p.m., but you can drop in at any time to preview the preferred concept and provide your feedback.

Parkrose Argay Development Study Preferred Concept Open House

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

6:30 - 8:30 p.m.

Parkrose Middle School

11800 NE Shaver S. Portland, OR


6:30 p.m. – Doors open and light snacks

6:45 p.m. – Presentation of the preferred concept and next steps

7:15 p.m. – Share your thoughts and feedback (drop-in open house)

8:30 p.m. – Adjourn

Concept Plan Workshop Outcomes

At the April 18 workshop, more than 125 community members learned about and discussed three different concepts: 

  • Concept A – View Corridor, created a street layout to highlight views of Mt Hood and Mt St Helens. 
  • Concept B – Main Street, created a “main street” intersecting with NE 122nd Avenue for retail and services. 
  • Concept C – Grid Streets, retained the iconic red barn location and offered a variety of housing options.

Image removed.Participants were asked to discuss the concepts in small groups and report back which concept best incorporated desired features identified by community members at the Vision and Aspirations Workshop held in December 2018. Overall most participants favored the View Corridor concept, which maintained the mountain views so important to the community. Many also suggested retaining the barn in its location on NE 122nd Avenue and repurposing it into a component of the project. Some liked the opportunity for retail and services in the main street concept. All of the concepts featured a range of housing, including apartments, townhomes and cottages. 

The project team has reviewed the feedback from the Concept Plan Workshop and is working with the study’s Project Working Group (PWG) and the property owners to create the Preferred Concept Plan.

Now they want to hear from the community. Did they get it right? Are the preferred features like housing, retail, street scaping and other community benefits incorporated well? What's missing? Is everything in the right place? How could the preferred concept be improved?  


The Rossi, Giusto and Garre Farms on NE 122nd Avenue have been family farms in the community for a century. Now the owners, working with the City of Portland, want to explore options to create something new that will serve their community for the years to come. The Parkrose-Argay Development Study will explore options to create a more complete and connected neighborhood on the 30-acre site at NE 122nd Avenue and NE Shaver Street.  

For more information, visit Parkrose-Argay Development Study.