What’s new this month?
- Historic Resources Code Project adopted by City Council; effective on March 1
- Environmental Overlay Zone (Ezone) Project goes to City Council February 16
- Residential Infill Project Part 2 (RIP2) continuing PSC work sessions, possible vote February 8
- Montgomery Park to Hollywood Transit and Development Strategy (MP2H) schedules open houses for February 8 and 10 on NW plan discussion draft
- Economic Opportunities Analysis (EOA) to hold briefing at PSC on February 22
- West Portland Town Center continuing PSC work sessions February 8, possible vote March 8
- Build/Shift launches community engagement effort in late February
- Sign yourself up for BPS monthly project updates
Useful resources
Planning and Sustainability Commission (PSC)
- View tentative PSC agendas and upcoming meeting schedules.
- PSC meetings are still being held online. Meetings are streamed live, available on-demand, and tape-delayed on Channel 30.
- Check individual project pages or the PSC calendar for details on testifying via video conference.
City Council
- View upcoming City Council agendas and sign up for weekly reminders
- City Council meetings are still being held online due to Covid-19 and are broadcast live
Map App
You can look at interactive maps, submit testimony during testimony periods, and read submitted testimony through the BPS Map App.
Zoning, building permit, transportation, natural resource information, and more is available on PortlandMaps.com.
COVID-19 Impacts
Please be aware that all public meetings are being held virtually for public health and safety, so be sure to check the calendars on specific project pages for meeting updates and the latest information.
Anti-Displacement Action Plan
What: The Anti-Displacement Action Plan (ADAP) aims to increase the resiliency of the city and our communities to deal with racial and economic disparities that contribute to displacement.
Status: A cross-bureau team of City staff continues to work internally to develop tools that better align City bureau strategies and actions to combat displacement and produce more equitable outcomes for communities. Staff is also working with the Anti-Displacement Coalition to support development of a civic leadership curriculum and a series of public workshops. More information to follow in the coming months.
Next opportunity to engage: Community members interested in learning more about the project can sign up for project updates.
Build/Shift: Climate and Health Standards for Existing Buildings
What: This project seeks to establish minimum climate and health standards for Portland’s existing apartments, condos and commercial buildings. Since 2018, BPS has collaborated with a community team, called the Build/Shift Collective, to elevate the voices and decision-making power of BIPOC communities in pursuit of climate justice. The result of our collaboration is a policy concept that focuses on reducing carbon emissions from existing buildings while improving rental housing to be healthier, more affordable, and resilient to future climate disasters (also known as the HEART Standards proposal). To refine the policy concept, BPS will engage a wide range of stakeholders in 2022.
Status: BPS staff and Build/Shift Collective briefed Planning and Sustainability Commission on January 25. Stakeholder engagement for the development of a new City ordinance launches on February 28. BPS will convene two working groups in April and May: one focused on tenants, and the other on building management and ownership. After meeting with the working groups, BPS plans to release a draft ordinance for public comment.
Next opportunity to engage: The public comment opportunity will be determined after stakeholder engagement. Those interested can always sign up for email updates.
Economic Opportunities Analysis (EOA)
What: The purpose of the Economic Opportunities Analysis (EOA) is to analyze and forecast growth in Portland’s industrial and other business districts, then designate an adequate 20-year supply of developable land for businesses and jobs.
Status: Project staff will give a briefing to the Planning and Sustainability Commission on February 22. Check the project page for updates prior to the briefing.
Next opportunity to engage: None at this time.
Electric Vehicle (EV) Ready Code Project
What: The project seeks to expand zero-emission transportation options for individuals and households beyond what the market is doing today, specifically in multi-dwelling housing. The project will explore Electric Vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure requirements for new multi-dwelling, mixed use and commercial development. The EV Ready Code Project will help implement policy direction from the 2017 Electric Vehicle Strategy through changes to the zoning code.
Status: A discussion draft and economic impact analysis report will be published later this winter. Project staff is currently in coordination with the State’s EV rulemaking processes at both the Department of Land Conservation and Development and the Buildings Code Division.
Next opportunity to engage: None at this time. Those interested can always sign up for email updates.
Ezone Map Correction Project
What: Correcting the location of environmental overlay zones (Ezones) to better align with rivers, streams, wetlands, floodplains, forests, steep slopes and wildlife habitat.
Status: Last year, more than 300 Portlanders and groups testified to the Planning and Sustainability Commission on new environmental zones (Ezones) regulations and mapping. That feedback has been incorporated in the updated Ezones Map Correction Project Recommended Draft, which is on its way to City Council for another public hearing on February 16. Portlanders are invited to testify in person or in writing via the Map App.
Next opportunity to engage: On February 16 at 2 pm, City Council will hold a public hearing for community members to testify about the proposed Ezones on their property, in their neighborhood, or about the project proposals in general. The agenda for the City Council hearing will be posted a week before the hearing. Testimony can be provided virtually at the hearing by phone or video conference. The deadline for testimony registration is February 15 at 4 p.m. You may also submit testimony in writing any time prior to the start of the Council hearing. Visit the Map App and click the Testify button to submit your comments. Those interested can always sign up for email updates.
Floodplain Resilience Plan
What: The plan updates floodplain regulations throughout the city to ensure that new development in the floodplain addresses flood risk from a changing climate, does not jeopardize threatened and endangered species, and allows Portlanders to continue to obtain federally-backed flood insurance.
Status: The public review period for the Discussion Draft ended on January 31. Staff are reviewing all the public comments received and will revise the draft plan over the next few months in preparation for the release of the Proposed Draft. Video of an online open house held on November 17 is available online.
Next opportunity to engage: Community members can view property-specific proposals on the project’s Map App. Those interested can always sign up for email updates.
Fossil Fuel Terminal Zoning Project
What: Restricts the development and expansion of bulk fossil fuel terminals. Zoning Code amendments were adopted by the Portland City Council on Dec. 14, 2016. That ordinance was appealed to the Oregon Supreme Court and went back to City Council.
Status: City Council voted to adopt the ordinance on December 18, 2019. The ordinance was appealed to the Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) by the Western States Petroleum Association, Portland Business Alliance, Oregon Business and Industry, and Columbia Pacific Building Trades Council. In October 2020, LUBA remanded the case back to City Council for additional findings and policy interpretations. BPS is working to determine what additional evidence is needed to address these issues before returning to City Council for reconsideration.
Next opportunity to engage: None currently.
Historic Resources Code Project
What: Historic resources provide tangible and meaningful connections to Portland’s past. The Historic Resources Code Project (HRCP) updates and improves the processes, regulations, and incentives that apply to the city’s most significant historic places.
Status: On January 26, the City Council voted unanimously to adopt the Historic Resources Code Project, including six amendments to the code package. The zoning changes are effective on March 1, 2022.
Next opportunity to engage: The code amendments are adopted and take effect March 1. Those interested in learning more about the zoning code changes are invited to attend a Lunch and Learn session hosted by the Bureau of Development Services on February 16.
Lower Southeast Rising Area Plan
What: The Lower Southeast Rising Area Plan aims to address the historic lack of infrastructure investment in parts of Southeast and East Portland—including Brentwood-Darlington and portions of Mt Scott-Arleta, Woodstock and Lents—and seek community input to guide healthy community development.
Status: An existing conditions report, a market analysis report, an opportunity mapping analysis report, and a public involvement plan are available for review online. A walk in Woodstock was held on December 16 and the Pin It, Portland online mapping tool accepted public comments through January 7.
Next opportunity to engage: The next Project Advisory Committee meeting is scheduled for February 28 at 6:00 pm. Those interested can always sign up for email updates.
Montgomery Park to Hollywood Transit and Land Use Development Strategy (MP2H)
What: Exploring options for a successful land use and transit system, including potential streetcar linking Montgomery Park in Northwest Portland to the Hollywood Town Center in Northeast Portland. The project is a joint effort between BPS and PBOT. The project will assess land use and transportation issues and options, including affordable housing, economic development and business stabilization opportunities associated with potential transit investments, including possible extension of the Portland Streetcar.
Status: The project team has published a draft proposal for the NW Portland study area for public review. The MP2H-NW Plan Discussion Draft suggests a new long range land use vision for the area near Montgomery Park, which could be served by an extension of the Portland Streetcar. The proposal presents an opportunity to create public benefits, including more affordable housing, affordable commercial space, and other benefits. The draft is available for public review and comment through March 15.
Next opportunity to engage: The public is invited to review and comment on the Discussion Draft proposal for the NW Portland study area through March 15. Virtual open house events are scheduled in February to provide information about the proposal and answer questions. Sign up to attend one of the two virtual open house events on February 8 at 5:00 pm and February 10 at 7:30 am. Those interested can always sign up for email updates.
Parkrose Community Plan
What: Historic Parkrose is leading work on the Parkrose Community Plan in partnership with BPS and other government and community partners to address topics such as safe streets, housing and displacement, access to jobs, community spaces, and emergency preparedness. This Plan is an opportunity for BPS to support plans that center traditionally harmed and sidelined communities, to advance a future of shared prosperity.
Status: Historic Parkrose Neighborhood Prosperity Initiative (NPI) launched the Parkrose Community Plan in May 2021 with a youth workshop, followed by adult workshops, an open house, and a series of community working group discussions focused on solutions and actions. BPS is supporting Historic Parkrose in this effort and is working on pulling community input into the initial draft of the Parkrose Community Plan, with another open house scheduled for spring 2022. For a glimpse of what community members have been saying, the Youth Workshops are representative. For more information, please visit the Historic Parkrose NPI website.
Next opportunity to engage: A second open house is being planned for early April 2022.
Residential Infill Project - Part 2 (RIP2)
What: Following up on the work of the Residential Infill Project (RIP1), which was adopted in August 2020, this project will extend the housing options of RIP1 to all single dwelling zones by adding middle housing types in the low density R10 and R20 zones. RIP2 will bring the City into compliance with the State of Oregon’s middle housing rules by adding provisions for cottage clusters and attached houses in all the single dwelling zones that were not included in RIP1. RIP2 will also bring the City into compliance with the State’s new middle housing land division rules by creating a new streamlined procedure for dividing the housing units onto their own lots.
Status: On December 14, the Planning and Sustainability Commission (PSC) held a public hearing for RIP2. The PSC held two work sessions on January 11 and January 25 to discuss potential changes to the proposed draft. The PSC gave staff direction to prepare amendments covering seven topics. These changes along with various technical amendments will be presented to the PSC on February 8 for consideration and possible inclusion into the RIP2 Recommended Draft. The potential amendments are posted on the project webpage.
The Proposed Draft staff report and code proposals are available for review, as are videos of the RIP2 virtual information sessions.
Next opportunity to engage: The PSC will meet on February 8 to discuss potential amendments and vote on whether to incorporate the changes before voting on the RIP2 recommendation as a whole. City Council will subsequently hold public hearings on the RIP2 Recommended Draft beginning in the spring. Those interested can always sign up for RIP2 email updates.
South Portland Area Planning
What: Working with PBOT and community members to develop land use, circulation and urban design plans around the Ross Island Bridgehead in South Portland, and featuring a Naito Main Street Plan. This effort is part of BPS’s Southwest Corridor Inclusive Communities Project.
Status: A racial equity analysis of the project led by BPS was completed in fall 2020, and a follow-up equitable development workshop was held virtually on July 28, 2021. Following the failure of Metro’s regional transportation funding measure in November 2020, PBOT is putting their transportation projects on hold related to the Ross Island Bridgehead realignment and Naito Main Street. BPS staff will include the public feedback received so far on the proposed equitable development concepts for the bridgehead opportunity sites, and the racial equity analysis goals in a draft land use plan to be published later this winter.
Next opportunity to engage: None at this time.
South Portland Historic District Design Guidelines
What: New approval criteria for alterations, additions and new construction in the South Portland Historic District.
Status: A Proposed Draft of the guidelines is expected to be released in March for a hearing at the Historic Landmarks Commission in the spring.
Next opportunity to engage: The next Community Advisory Group (CAG) meeting will be held February 9 via Zoom. CAG meetings are open to the public, with time reserved for public comments at every meeting.
West Portland Town Center Plan
What: The West Portland Town Center (WPTC) Plan will lay out a vision for a healthy, connected, and multi-cultural town center and includes an action plan to meet the diverse needs of current and future residents and businesses.
Status: The Proposed Draft of the WPTC Plan is available for public review. Learn more in the online Proposed Draft Overview, the online interactive Map App, or by watching the video of the August 10 staff briefing to the Planning and Sustainability Commission (PSC).
The PSC held two hearings on September 14 and September 28 and all testimony can be viewed online. The Commission also held three meetings/work sessions on the proposed plan October 26, November 9 and November 30. Meeting materials and recordings can be found under each date. The Design Commission continued its work sessions on the WPTC Character Statement (found in Volume 2, Section 6) on December 9 and January 27.
Next opportunity to engage: The public testimony period is closed. The PSC continues its discussion of the WPTC Proposed Draft at its regular meeting on January 11. Video of the work session will be available on YouTube. Materials for the work session, including draft amendments to the plan, are available for review. Additional PSC work sessions on the Plan are scheduled for February 8 and March 8, with a vote possible on March 8. The Design Commission will also continue work sessions on the WPTC Character Statement on January 27. The PSC is expected to send their recommended version of the Plan to City Council in March. City Council will then review the recommended plan and take public testimony (verbal and written) starting in the Spring or early Summer 2022. Those interested can always sign up for WPTC email updates.