Scenario 3: Mixed Use

Scenario 3 envisions a transformation of the Northwest Portland portion of the study area into a complete community with housing, employment and commercial uses.

This scenario allows the continuation of many of the area’s industrial uses, but would allow for development of residential mixed-use buildings over time. Much of the area, particularly south of Nicolai Street and east of the former ESCO site is currently zoned for General Industrial uses. This scenario would change much of that industrial zoning to a designation that facilitates mixed-use development and housing. Affordable housing would be a component of new housing development. New housing would be supported by additional retail and services, primarily located in areas near transit investments. An office/creative office buffer restricts housing and maintains compatibility with the industrial areas to the north.


This scenario includes the following attributes:

  1. Creates a vibrant mixed use district supported by strong employment anchors, mixed housing, and neighborhood retails.
  2. Plans for affordable housing for low-income Portlanders in a highly desirable area with existing and planned amenities.
  3. Adds a variety of community facilities that anchor Roosevelt Street, a new district spine.
  4. Envisions the ESCO site as a high-density mixed use site and urban center.
  5. Montgomery Park and the American Can Building become a connected mixed use neighborhood.
  6. Roosevelt Street becomes a pedestrian-oriented spine of public spaces anchored by the Montgomery Park Station and a bridge connecting to the waterfront.

View detailed maps of the district concept, land use & urban form, transportation, and the public realm for Scenario 3: