Winter weather: office closure, emergency shelters and city services
  • City offices, community centers, arts centers, and city recreation facilities are closed Thursday, Feb. 13, due to winter weather.
  • Shelters are open until at least noon Friday. More information: Multco.us/Cold.
  • City services information
Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

Residential garbage rates

Find Portland residential garbage, recycling and compost collection rates, as well as information about how the City sets these rates.
On this page

Standard service rates


Your monthly waste collection charge is based on the size of your garbage container. You can choose the size that best fits your needs. To change sizes, call your garbage company. Garbage is collected every other week.

4 garbage cart sizes showing how many garbage bags fit in each - 2, 3, 5, and 7.
Monthly cost$36.70$42.00$47.00$53.85
Weight limit60 pounds85 pounds135 pounds175 pounds

Find rates for every-four-week garbage service and the Westside Terrain Charge area under Rates for all available services

Recycling and compost

Weekly collection of recycling (paper, metal, and plastic), compost (food and yard waste), and glass recycling is included in the price of garbage service.

(paper, metal, and plastic)
(food and yard waste)
Container60-gallon blue roll cart60-gallon green roll cart~15-gallon yellow bin
Weight limit135 pounds135 pounds35 pounds

Extra services

If you rent a house or apartment, ask your property manager before setting out extra items.

A black garbage bag sits next to a black garbage bin, a paper yard waste bag sits next to a green compost bin, and a holiday tree leans against a green compost bin.
Extra garbageExtra yard wasteHoliday tree
Cost$6.50 per bag or can$4.25 per bag, bundle, or can$5.25 per tree
Weight / size limit32-gallons / 40 pounds30-gallon paper yard waste bag / 40 pounds6 feet maximum height
InstructionsSet next to your garbage bin on your garbage collection day.Set next to your green compost bin.Set next to your green compost bin.

Request a clean bin: ​​Contact your garbage company to request a clean garbage, compost, or recycling bin. They will drop off a new bin and pick up your old one for $17.75.

Rates for all available services

Current rates for all available garbage, recycling and compost services, including on-call service, smallplexes (2-4 residential units), special requests:

Westside terrain area rates

A Westside Terrain Charge applies to properties in Portland’s hillier westside where low street connectivity, larger lots, and narrow, windy roads increase the costs to collect garbage, recycling, and compost. 

To determine if your property is within the Westside Terrain Area, look up the address in www.portlandmaps.com: In the Garbage & Recycling section (under “Utilities”), you’ll see “Westside Terrain Area?” followed by “Yes” or “No.”

View Westside Terrain Area rates in the full rates sheet:

What your bill pays for 

An outline of a garbage bin is shown with the breakdown of what garbage bills go to: 39% for collecting waste, 25% for disposing and processing waste, 19% for garbage company administration, 9% for garbage company profit, and 8% for City administration.

39% pays for collection of garbage, recycling, and compost. This includes the costs to pick up garbage, recycling, and compost, including salary and benefits for truck drivers, vehicles, fuel, carts, and other collection equipment. 

25% pays for garbage disposal and processing of recycling and compost. This includes fees paid to transfer and dump garbage at the landfill (these fees are set in part by our regional government, Metro), to process yard waste and food scraps at a commercial compost facility, and to sort your recycling at a Material Recovery Facility. 

19% pays for Garbage and Recycling Companies’ administrative costs. This includes salary and benefits for administrative staff, plus billing, office space, utilities, and other overhead costs. 

9% pays for Garbage and Recycling Companies’ profit. The rate is set so that the system-wide fees allow for an overall targeted profit margin. Individual companies are not guaranteed a profit unless they continue to provide service for a competitive cost. 

8% pays for City of Portland administrative costs. This covers the cost to oversee and regulate the waste collection system; to implement recycling, waste reduction, and sustainability programs in accordance with state and regional requirements and City goals; and to help pay for collection of garbage from public trash cans

How rates are set

Every year the City of Portland sets residential garbage, recycling, and compost collection rates based on a thorough evaluation of what it costs to provide these services.

The Bureau of Planning and Sustainability conducts a rate review to establish fair and equitable rates for franchised garbage and recycling companies to charge for collection of residential garbage, recycling, and compost. The rate review is required by City ordinance and includes analysis by an economist and an independent Certified Professional Accountant (CPA). To determine the cost of providing service, the Bureau of Planning and Sustainability evaluates multiple factors, including labor, equipment and fuel costs, the average weight of garbage in each can size, disposal charges for solid waste and compostables, and the market value and cost to sort recyclables. The City’s franchise agreement ordinance for garbage and recycling service requires rates to recover actual costs plus the City’s franchise fee and the targeted operating (profit) margin. 

The proposed rates are reviewed by the Planning and Sustainability Commission at a public hearing. Finally, the rates are presented to City Council for review and adoption.

Have a question about a service or fee you don’t see here? Contact us for assistance or look in the full residential garbage and recycling rules. 

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