Martin Luther King Jr. Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 20, to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Deconstruction Contractor Spotlight: Lovett Deconstruction

News Article
Lovett Deconstruction was established to help diminish the industry practice of tearing up quality building materials and throwing them away.

CompanyLovett Deconstruction

Why is Lovett Deconstruction interested in deconstruction/salvage?

Lovett Deconstruction was established in Portland in the early 2000s to help diminish the industry practice of tearing up quality building materials and throwing them away. Lumber that has held up hundred year old homes deserves more than a thoughtless toss into area landfills. We want to instead celebrate it through re-use, so we get the material into the hands of woodworkers, craftsmen (and women!), artisans, and tinkerers, letting them use their craft to make the materials new again.

What makes Lovett Deconstruction unique?

Our reputation of being the deconstruction experts in Portland has come from our commitment to service and our attention to detail.  Salvaging and reuse aside, deconstruction boils down to: heavy labor, dirt and grime, more heavy labor, and running into something unexpected. So when we dismantle a room down to a shell, leaving no plaster in the wall cavities, no footprints on the stairs, and no nails in the studs, our clients are awestruck that just hours prior hammers and pry bars were ripping away at the walls. 

What other services do you provide besides deconstruction?

Lovett Deconstruction has recently opened up office and warehouse space on NE Sandy so that we can organize and store larger amounts of salvaged lumber available to the public. Much of our salvaged finds still go to area partners with large centers to take cabinets and appliances and such, but 1x and 2x lumber, trim, and hardwood flooring can now typically be found at our warehouse.

What is the most notable item/material salvaged during your projects?  

Everyone on the crew would agree that the greatest thrill in the business is finding treasures. Though we’re all still waiting to find the stash of gold bullion, we take pleasure in finding pieces of history inside wall cavities, under floors, and tucked away in attics. Newspapers and magazines, tin beer cans, apothecary bottles, and children’s toys are favorites, but probably the most unique was the discovery of three walking sticks that had been shoved up into a ceiling, all hand carved bone and ivory. But that find will be nothing compared to our next discovery…

What three words best describe Lovett Deconstruction? 

  • Safety
  • Service
  • Sustainable

For more information about Lovett Deconstruction, please contact:

Der Lovett

Phone: 503-954-2347

Mobile: 503-679-1096



The City of Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability's Deconstruction Program regularly highlights companies that have recently completed the requirements to become certified deconstruction contractors. To be featured, please contact Shawn Wood, Deconstruction Program Manager at:

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